
Interfaith Peacebuilding


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Interfaith Programs

Macau Interfaith Forum: God as Central to Peace

Macau, People's Republic of China - An Interfaith Dialogue on Jan. 27, 2009, grew out of the sense that God has been longing for people from different backgrounds and traditions to gather and discuss ways to create world peace. Though different views were expressed, God was the center of the discussion, and people of faith on this tiny archipelago of mainland China envision God being an integral part of efforts for sustainable peace.

Around 12 distinguished leaders attended — Catholics and other Christians as well as Baha'i. A Buddhist speaker was unable to attend because of an accident.

The gathering was opened with a prayer and followed by a talked from Ms. Susan Potter, a Canadian Baha'i who has lived in Macau for some time. She gave an enthusiastic delivery about creating world peace based on God's governance. She offered a song and sincere prayer at the end of her talk.

A UPF presentation focused on the motto of "living for the sake of others" as individuals, families and organizations. Every time we show the video of people various backgrounds working together for the same goal of One Family under God, we feel renewed inspiration.

Ambassadors for Peace Mr. Agostinho Martins, a Catholic, and Pastor Felix Joao Silva, a Christian, explained that world peace is possible only through Jesus Christ at his second coming. But they also recognize the value of the family in creating a moral and a good society and ultimately the world.

Dialogue participants acknowledged their differences, some major and others minor, but there are underlying parallels and similarities that can serve as common bases for developing strong relationships among the participants.

The gathering concluded with pizza and friendly conversation.

Some comments by participants:

"I feel the necessity of further reflection on our gathering. There are some issues which I believe need to be elaborated and shared."

"No matter what the ideas may be concerning everything from alpha to omega, we still have to deal with current issues."

"What Susan said which very revolutionary: 'In order to realize world peace everybody has to talk in a mature way.' I strongly believe this."

"One of the issues in which our views are very parallel is that our world today is not what God desires, and all of us would like to change it to a better one."

"Everyone is striving to do better and become good. But as individuals we find that it is not easy to follow the Ten Commandments. Some justify this by saying that we are only human beings and make mistakes. But Jesus Christ said we must be perfect as our heavenly Father is perfect. I know our God would be very happy to see us all overcome difficulties and be pure in heart. Our challenge is to become God's children who are capable of giving love."

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