Canada-2010-10-16-UPF-Toronto's October 2010 Meeting

Toronto, Canada - The October 16 meeting of the UPF-Canada Central District included readings from World Scripture and information about principles of health, followed by reports about a visit to Saudi Arabia and participating in a UPF Interfaith Assembly in Korea.

Auth. Qamrul A. Khanson (QAK) was appointed as MC for the monthly meeting of the Central District of UPF-Canada on October 16. QAK welcomed all the participants and highlighted the agenda for the day’s meeting. QAK invited Dr. Hoossen Auckberaullee [HA], to supplicate for the success of our meeting and UPF. QAK invited Mitch Dixon (MD) to speak about his reflection from the book World Scripture: An Anthology of Sacred Texts.

Rev. Mitch Dixon (MD) introduced his son-in-law Samuel Fuchs to the gathering and welcomed new Filipino members Eusebid Aquintey and Enrique (Ricky) Castellvi to the audience. MD explained to them the objectives of Universal Peace Federation (UPF) a distributed UPF’s booklet “Vision and Leadership at a Time of Global Crisis.”

MD read from Chapter 20 of World Scriptures, which relates to peacebuilding among the religions of the world today. Besides the general ethical teaching, the scriptures contain specific guidance for building a peaceful and prosperous society. Individual citizens have responsibilities beyond their private lives to contribute to the public good. Rulers and governments are likewise admonished to use their office and authority to promote justice and the common welfare in accordance with divine law.

The opening sections deal with four roles for the individual citizen in fostering the well-being of society. These are: the quiet and unheralded work of a spiritual guide, an invisible "pillar" of society who leavens the community by his spirit and example; the prophet or reformer who confronts the governing authorities with words of admonition and takes an active role in correcting injustice; and the soldier who fights, risking his life in order to defeat a tyrant and rescue the oppressed. MD gave the following link for further study:

Auth. Qamrul A. Khanson (QAK) took a few minutes to appraise the audience how he improved his cardiovascular disease and other related illnesses by following the findings and teachings of Dr. Mathias Rath and Dr. Linus Carl Pauling (Nobel Prize winner) in regard to the overall health for every individual.

Why do undomesticated animals remain fit and do not incur cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, or AIDS? Answers to such questions may boggle the mind, yet we need to ponder for the sake of our generation. Life depends on a constant supply of four main elements: air (oxygen), water, macronutrients (proteins, fats and carbohydrates), and micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, certain amino acids and trace elements). Lack of micronutrients in the cells may lead to illnesses mainly because vitamin C is not produced in human body. while animals in the wild synthesize vitamin C in their bodies. Vitamin C cleans arteries, prevents blockages, and supplies enough antioxidants to preserve health even during life-threatening stress.

For patients with certain advanced health problems, such as coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart failure and others, special cellular health recommendations were developed in addition to the basic cellular health recommendations. For more informationm see:

Dr. Hoossen Auckberaullee (HAA) recently visited the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to cement relations with religious and government friends who supported his parents in establishing a Muslim place or worship in Toronto. Of course, developing UPF’s relationship with notables in KSA was on the agenda, and he met Sheikh Ali Bin Sa’ad Al Zahefa, who had visited the office of UPF during a trip to Canada. He arranged an audience with Saudi Royal Prince Khalid al-Faisal bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud, who is the governor of Mecca, a post held by his late father, King Faisal bin Abdul Aziz.

A dinner was hosted by Prince Khalid Al Faisal in honor of Dr. Hoossen Auckberaullee. Approximately 150 people attended the dinner, and HAA appraised Prince Khalid Al Faisal how his father had assisted Dr. Auckberaulle's father in 1969 with funds to build a masjid in Toronto. Dr. Auckberaullee presented him with a certificate of appreciation on behalf of UPF-Canada. Canadian MPs Guru Bux Singh Malhi and Andrew Kania also sent letters of appreciation to Prince Khalid Al Faisal for his father's contribution in strengthening a religious bond between Canada and Saudi Arabia.

Dr. Golam Dastagir, [GD] a renowned spiritual scholar and Ambassador for Peace, recently visited South Korea to attend UPF Interfaith Assembly in Seoul. He felt honoured to have been associated with UPF since 1986 when he was still in his native country of Bangladesh.

The Interfaith Assembly opened in Seoul on October 9 at the Cheon Bok Gung, which is an inspiring new sanctuary in the district of Yongsan. Around 1200 people came early on a Saturday morning to participate in a moving ceremony of prayers and readings from seven faith traditions: Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism, Druze, Shinto, Christianity, and Buddhism.

In his keynote speech, Rev. Hyung Jin Moon elaborated on the vision of UPF Founder Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon for an interfaith council to be incorporated into the structure of the United Nations. Peace cannot come through institutions alone, the UPF Chairman noted. “Peace arises when we are in a right relationship with God, when our mind and body are united. If we are people of internal struggle, selfishness, and sin, then all our efforts in this world will bear no good fruit, and will only lead to struggle and conflict.”

GD was honoured to be present at a panel which discussed the proposal for an interreligious council at United Nations and suggested conducting groundwork in the Toronto chapter to promote the proposal. He also mentioned the breathtaking ceremony of 7000 couples who were blessed in marriage at the Sun Moon University campus.

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