
Interfaith Peacebuilding


September 2024
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Interfaith Programs

Seminar on Religious Renewal and the Future of Islam in Sudan

Khartoum, Sudan - A seminar was conducted in Sudan on August 26 introducing a booklet written by Abdelmoumin Ahmed, former leader of UPF-Sudan. The booklet covers topics of religious freedom, religious coexistence, and religious renewal. It addresses serious issues within Islam regarding accepting new ideas, accepting others, and developing new understandings about religion.

Dr. Adil Salman, leader of UPF-Sudan, served as master of ceremonies for the August 26 meeting, which was attended by more than 50 people. The main speaker was Abdelmoumin. Abdelmoumin said that the ideal world was destroyed by the human fall. The Kingdom of God is the ideal society and ideal political system. He said that the original world in which Adam and Eve were living in was on this earth. (Most Muslims believe that Adam and Eve were living some where in the sky, and when they fell they were sent down to the earth.)

In discussing this point further, he explained that God’s ideal world must be established first here on earth. He said that we have to build the ideal in our heart and in our ways of thinking and acting. He added, “Religion was revealed in order to help people establish this ideal.” He said that over time, many religious ideals and ideas become either old or distorted and therefore religious renewal and religious reform are needed. Religious reformers are like prophets in their societies.

Abdelmoumin then talked about unity among people of the Abrahamic faiths (Muslim, Christians, and Jews). He said that through religious renewal and reform, harmony can come about among people of these three great religions and on that foundation they can build harmony with other world religions. He called upon Islamic scholars to develop new insights that will promote interfaith understanding and acceptance of others. Finally, he read quotes from UPF's Peace Messages calling for unity, peace, and coexistence.


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