
Interfaith Peacebuilding


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Interfaith Programs

Poem: Meditation

Be still and know that I AM God, said He.

Seek me first for you and I are Eternity.

Seek within-you will find me in stillness.

Then you know you are well within wholeness.

You will not clasp Him-till death you depart.

But nearer the clasp, you feel well in your heart

You saw Him-and came from Him, to your mother’s womb

You will search for Him till you rest in your tomb.

That’s what the sculptor, painter, artist the singer does.

Searching the Perfect with talents they possess.

Search till you are no more-for then, Him you will see.

Yes, all will see Him-the good the bad and the ugly.

Choose at all times the right thing in life to do.

For only then, after life, you see Glory through and through.

If the wrong thing is willed and done in this life,

Being damned, you see no more of Beauty even in strife.

Seeing Him for ever in death is what is called heaven

For ‘tis the design when you first came down from heaven.

Not seeing Perfect Beauty forever-is that you are damned.

Hell the reward as with sin, this life you have shammed.

In meditation and seeking deep within,

His spark you will see-the Kingdom of God therein.

More you seek the spark the closer to divine you become.

Till you are a wonder to the world around.

Meditation! ‘tis no selfish exercise!

For that spark of the Divine will make you clever and wise.

What and where is this wisdom thy lament?

Seek God within-call Him what you will-to wisdom you relent.

Divine Intelligence within makes you love neighbor as self.

For wisdom speaks loud to go to your neighbors help.

Wisdom will dawn to him that dwells within.

In meditation you will hear Wisdom’s voice ringing.

In wisdom you know the reality of self.

Why you are on earth you will know in stealth.

For one purpose alone you are here on earth behold,

And that is to know to love and to serve God we are told.

Serving God is to serve your neighbor.

The void of life is filled when you do your neighbor’s labor.

Love your neighbor as thyself-said He.

Wisdom prompts to love self and then feel free.

Meditate to get closer to God and be still.

For then you will know that which He wills.

That you do in concert with your will.

Do this-Lo and behold your needs will be filled.

Oscar E.V. Fernando is the Former Director of Finance/Administration and Board Member of the Sri Lanka Foundation; Human Rights Commission; Human Rights Task Force; Sri Lanka Television Training Institute; and Director of Finance at the Sri Lanka Institute of Judges

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