Toronto, Canada - The monthly meeting of Ambassadors for Peace from the greater Toronto area took place on October 15 on the topic "The Rise and Fall of Nations."

Author Qamrul Khanson showed a video clip about ‘Righteousness,’ which was appreciated as presenting a common understanding among all religions and which should be promoted to bring humankind together on the path of righteousness. [To watch the video, click here.]

Rev. Mitch Dixon was invited to present his talk on the topic of “Rise and Fall of nations.” He mentioned the importance of education and knowledge to bring peace within and among the nations of this world. The providence of God has set goals for humankind, and Rev. Sun Myung Moon has explained God's providence at length. The Creator Lord of this universe created our original ancestors and gave them guidelines to live in peace. The providence (divine rules) of God is to bring back humans to live according to His original commands. Rev. Dixon read passages from the Bible that affirm the Providence of God.

The onus of responsibility for a nation lies upon the leadership of a nation. The leadership determines a nation's direction; leadership is paramount to the future of a nation. Thus, the abilities of any leader determine the rise and fall of such a nation. A humble, common person may become a leader, and the change in position of such a person could bring many changes because of the immense power he may wield while in the role of a leader. Such power could also lead to arrogance and intolerance, which is least desired. Of course we do not expect absolute perfection in every leader but the declaration of goals should be perfect and achieving the goals would be a collective effort.

We need to learn what various religions teach their adherents so as to understand common goals among the diverse religious populace. God seeks to move history in the direction of greater goodness (indeed to the complete triumph of loving goodness). Divinely inspired and God-filled teachers such as Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha, Confucius, and many others have appeared periodically according to God's providential time table. Each had a specific mission to lead a portion of humanity in the right direction. The religions they preached guide human beings on the way of restoration, as the commandments to obey God and love one's neighbor are universal to all religions. Nevertheless, God and all people await the day when each person can fully resist evil.

Rev. Dixon read passages from World Scripture: An Anthology of Sacred Texts that convey wise teachings from the Hadith (Islam), the Bible, Confucius, and Buddha.

During the question and answer session, many comments were made.

Dr. Hoossen Auckberaullee said that the wrath of God comes when people and leaders do not uphold righteousness.

Rev. Earl Smith mentioned that leaders of nations are influenced by groups, political parties, lobbyists, etc. Such resources could be brought to bear to help promote stability in a nation.

Mr. A.R. Qureishi pointed out that no matter what the leadership of a nation decides, certain factors such as ‘fate’ also shape the destiny of a nation.

Women's Federation for World Peace Chair Lilly Tadin talked about basic principles that shape nations and leadership.

Auth. Qamrul Khanson stated that a leader must abide by the divine and natural laws, and both are indispensable for the well-being of a nation.

Afterwards, child singing talent Baby Tamami Tamalie presented a beautiful song to entertain the audience.

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