Toronto, Canada - At the monthly meeting of Ambassadors for Peace on December 10, Author Qamrul A. Khanson showed two video clips which highlighted the importance of attitude and offered his thoughts on the topic. The lively discussion that followed led to consideration of various ways to help the needy.

The first video was entitled Attitude Is Everything 

The second portion of the presentation included observations about human behavior, social behavior, and the role of religion in disciplining behavior, with quotes by notable people. Author Khanson said that “Behavior refers to the action of a person by which the social order is impacted either positively or negatively. Behavior can be regarded as any action of a person that changes the relationship to his or her social, political, as well as atmospheric environment. Behavior provides outputs from the person to the environment. Behavior is believed to be controlled primarily by the endocrine system and the nervous system.”

He added that the behavior of all sane people is controllable to suit the situation through the 'power of choice' which Almighty God has given human beings to enable them to become better citizens, better persons, and be a credit to their their parents, family, tribe, municipality, state, province, and country.

He concluded with a video clip contrasting typical attitudes with images of people around the world in a variety of challenging circumstances. To watch it click here. In response, participants talked about raising awareness of national leaders, religious organizations helping to meet urgent needs in their community, and sending financial aid to needy people in third-world countries so they can buy what they need locally and through their purchases support local businesses.

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