Austria-2017-03-16-UPF-Austria Hosts Interfaith Series

Linz, Austria—The Peace Academy of Linz and UPF of Upper Austria hosted three events on the theme: What connects the religions of the world?

The former Catholic ecumenical theologian Hans Küng initiated the idea of a “Global Ethic” ( In his book, he recognizes and describes that the ethical principles of all religions are very similar and can be summarized by two main statements and four ethical laws.

Mag. Maria Pammer, the leader of the UPF chapter for the state of Upper Austria, greeted the guests and guided them through the program. Paul J. Ettl MBA (director of the Peace Academy Linz) gave the presentation at three evening events on the following themes:

Thursday, February 16, 2017
The World Parliament of Religions and the Global Ethic Project

Thursday, March 2, 2017
The World Religions:
Hinduism, Buddhism, Chinese religions, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Sikhism and Bahá'í

Thursday, March 16, 2017
Human Rights, the Golden Rule, the Four Ethical Laws, and the Relationship between Ethics and Religion

In total 87 participants, representing different religions, followed Mr. Ettl’s presentations with great interest over the three evenings. After a refreshment break, a dialogue was held in which the participants made valuable contributions.

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