Linz, Austria—An interreligious breakfast held by UPF asked the question “What Can Religions Contribute to Solving the Problems of Our Age?”
The program was held by the Upper Austrian chapters of UPF and the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU), an affiliated organization.
This event, held on April 22, 2017, was the second time this year that UPF of Upper Austria had hosted an interreligious breakfast.
Mr. Heinz Krcek, a theologian and the initiator of the interreligious breakfast meetings, which have taken place over the last few years, prepared four questions on the topic, which provided a framework for the discussion. The rich buffet was prepared by the Peham family and the morning’s program was guided by Bogdan Pammer as the master of ceremonies.
The discussion was joined by a female bishop, Christine Mayr-Lumetzberger, and a representative of World Conscious Pact ( from Peru.
An interesting exchange between generations also took place. Out of the 30 participants, two-thirds were young people from the states of Upper Austria and Styria and the capital, Vienna.
Don’t be a spectator of history, but be its host.
--Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Every difficult situation that you manage to master is spared from your future.
--Dalai Lama