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Uruguay—On December 12, 2020, UPF-Uruguay and the Uruguay chapter of the Interreligious Association for Peace and Development (IAPD) held an interfaith webinar session. The motto was "Christmas Messages." This webinar meeting was broadcast through the Zoom platform for all of Latin America.
In Uruguay as in the world, the Christian world is preparing for Christmas in a truly exceptional context, marked by confinement and social distancing due to COVID-19. The coronavirus is affecting the mental health of many people, especially those directly responsible for the nuclear family. Distress, anxiety and depression have led to an alarming increase in domestic violence.
For this reason, this interfaith webinar session focused on transmitting a light of hope: positive words that allow us to transcend adverse circumstances through faith and significant experiences of unconditional Love.
Outstanding Religious Leaders of different expressions of faith participated, as well as members of the Table of Interreligious Dialogue and Spiritual Expressions (D.I.E.E.) of Uruguay.
Rev. Sung Jong Seo (Sub-Regional Chair, FFPUM and UPF-South America) began with a warm message. Emphasizing the importance of the meeting and greeting everyone, he gave words of peace and encouraged the construction of a better society, centered on Our Heavenly Parent.
Rev. Dong Mo Shin (Regional Chair, UPF-South America) shared a profound message centered on the importance of interreligious dialogue, emphasizing God's love for all and the hope that with our actions we can be a light for the nations.
Mtro. Raúl Rey (President, UPF-Uruguay) expressed gratitude for the participation of each of the religious representatives and stressed the importance of overcoming the barriers that separate us, focusing on God as Parent of all and on universal values.
Those offering Christmas greetings included the following:
- Sima Baher (Bahá'í Community, Uruguay; Board Member, D.I.E.E. Uruguay);
- Imám Yousaf Khan (Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Uruguay; Member, D.I.E.E. Uruguay);
- Monseñor Sebastián Camacho Bentancur (Old Apostolic Catholic Church; Board Member, D.I.E.E. Uruguay);
- Bishop Dr. David Frol (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Argentina; Member, “Consejo Argentino para la Libertad Religiosa”);
- Pastor Sr. Roque Jesús Estévez (Evangelical Community "Christian Center of the City of Pando – Canelones, Uruguay");
- Babá Rodolfo de Oxalá (Afro Umbandista Community; Director, spiritual center of Matriz africanista "Reino de Oxalá");
- Pastor Santiago Silva (Evangelical Community Christian Youth Pastor and Marriage Counselor, La Paloma Church, Montevideo, Uruguay);
- Alejandro Tapia (Brahma Kumaris Uruguay Civil Association, Board Member, D.I.E.E. Uruguay).
The emcee was Mrs. María Rosa Neme (President, WFWP-Uruguay).
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