
Marriage and Family


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Marriage and Family

Inter-Religious Family Festival Planned in Toronto

Toronto, Canada - The Central District of the Universal Peace Federation in Canada arranged a special gathering on February 14 to plan an Inter-Religious Family Festival in Toronto as a way of promoting harmony among the diverse religious and cultural groups.

Dr. Hoossen Auckbaraullee, Chairman of UPF in Toronto, has been instrumental in expanding the monthly UPF gathering for the Central District and welcomed many new delegates from Iraq and Philippine origins. He took up the matter with relation to Inter-Religious Family Festival to be held on Sunday, March 15, at the Church of Scientology office on Yonge Street. IRFF is to seek religious solidarity to maintain peace among diverse cultures and religions. However, every religious group would also be represented by its cultural affiliation. For the purpose each cultural representative from Canada, Bangladesh, India, Iraq, Japan, Korea, Pakistan, Philippines, Uganda and possibly others would be given an opportunity to explain their cultural heritage and its importance to the audience.

A total of 150 delegates are expected to attend the gathering, and a Sunday mass would also be held for the Christian brethren. Dr. Auckbaraullee advised the meeting that UPF members from other chapters would also attend and the gathering would swell to maximum capacity we could accommodate at the building.

Rev. Mitch Dixon, Chairman of the Central District Convention, appraised the audience about the continual activity of UPF around the world by showing a DVD on the topic. Clips of the International Leadership Conference were shown where statements of Anton Rop, Jack Corley, Paula Sotutu, Bishop Abel Tendekayi Muzorewa, Robert Schuler, Peter Stockdale, and Ahmad Kabbah and many others were heard. Rev. Dixon gave an overview of recent UPF activities around the world. The ultimate goal of UPF is world peace. He stated that religion is vital part of human society and through religious creeds we could bring peace among people. Almighty God is peace, and all of us are destined for peace.

Lilly Tadin, president of the Women's Federation for World Peace Canada, expressed her view that all women wish for peace in the family, and families are components of world peace. She extended an invitation to all in order to celebrate the International Women’s Day at a Luncheon Meeting on March 7.

Later Rev. Jae Sung Lee entertained the audience with music and games, which everyone enjoyed and appreciated.

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