
Marriage and Family


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Marriage and Family

Madrid Marriage & Family Forum: The Family as the School of Love

Spain-2009-06-20-Madrid Marriage & Family Forum: The Family as the School of Love

Madrid, Spain - Mr. Edward Hartley from the United Kingdom was the guest speaker for UPF-Spain's sixth marriage and family conference on June 20, 2009.

Using the theme of "Family as the School of Love," Mr. Hartley talked about the work of UPF's Marriage and Family Initiative in the UK, which he heads. He stressed the importance of children being raised by both of their biological parents and gave statistics about the impact of marriage breakdown on children.

Religious teachings about the importance of the family were examined. Stephen Covey, a Mormon author, describes a natural progression of dependence (in which people live according to a paradigm of "you") to independence (a paradigm of "me") to interdependence (a paradigm of "we").

Sociological data show that married people are healthier, wealthier, live longer, are safer to be with, experience more well-being, and are more altruistic than their non-married counterparts. Stable relationships provide the environment to learn about love through parent-child bonds, sibling bonds, and marriage bonds.

"Our capacity to love is a measure of our spiritual maturity, particularly to express unconditional love," Mr. Hartley said. He encouraged his audience to do whatever they can to encourage marriage rather than casual relationships, prepare people for marriage, and promote marriage enrichment. With good role models, people can become better parents and grandparents. Children can grow up to be responsible and peaceful citizens when in their homes they learn the virtues of love, peaceful persuasion, harmony, co-operation, and altruism.

UPF-UK held marriage and family conferences in London in 2007 and 2008. A number of initiative supporters have taken formal training as facilitators for PREPARE/ENRICH, a program that can be offered to married couples as well as couples planning to get married. Connections are being built with people of other faiths around the Couple Relationship Education program.

The seminar concluded with pianist Kenmei Miyamura playing two beautiful melodies of Mozart, a toast for peace, and presentation of awards. Leaders of the Dominican Republic Cultural Association were given Ambassador for Peace certificates. A couple who have been married more than 50 years and have five children were honored with a Large Family Reward.

Closing remarks were given by Mr. Manuel Campillo, a local UPF family educator and counselor.

Participants expressed appreciation to Mr. Hartley for sharing his insights and experiences, and conversations continued over refreshments.

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