Panama City, Panama - Every year we hold a Marriage Forum in a top hotel and key leaders in government, religion, education, and NGOs attend. We had 86 participants this year. Panama's most important woman senator and the head of family affairs for the government, Panama's top experts in marriage the head of the main interreligious group, and Dr. and Mrs. Hanna all gave presentations.
UPF is the only organization in Panama that holds events and activities that focus on strengthening marriages. This has been the best way we have found to make a significant contribution and engage the Ambassadors for Peace..
A Smart Marriage Conference in June introduced a program that helps strengthen Hispanic families. It's called Family Wellness. A facilitator has been trained in this program and is presenting as a social service at a community center and at the UPF Peace Embassy. It is an effective, fun, interactive course and people love it.
With another NGO and an Ambassador for Peace we have created and sponsored a program, "Marry Your Partner," that encourages couples in common-law marriages to marry. It is now in its sixth year. So far about 2,000 couples have been married.