
Marriage and Family


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Marriage and Family

Programs in Moldova on Marriage and Family

Chisinau, Moldova - In October UPF-Moldova launched a three-month series of presentations, public lectures, seminars, trainings. and conferences in Chisinau and Ialoveni to raise public awareness about the significance of marriage and family for peace and development. More than 1600 students, 500 teachers, and parents took part in these activities, which were part of UPF's Marriage and Family Peace Initiative.

Construction College: A presentation about the Importance of Marriage and Family for Peace and Human Development was attended by more than 200 students on October 19.

Family Federation: In partnership with the International Educational Foundation in Moldova, the Family Federation of Moldova organized an October 23 community gathering that featured two speakers: Dr. Stamatin Otilia and Dr. Osadci Raisa. Dr. Stamatin shared based on her long academic, scientific, and family life about the psychological advantages of married life and the importance of values and healthy priorities for a happier and more fulfilling life. Dr. Osadci talked about the significance and origin of long-cherished traditions, family customs, and childhood memories that are still relevant today for youth who preparing to become successful parents.

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Stefan Neaga Music College: The International Educational Foundation of Moldova, with the support of UPF International, organized a series of presentations on November 7, 9, 10, and 23 attended by 276 students. Inspired by the reports from students and teachers about the presentations, the college administration arranged for a presentation about Parent-Child Communication to a general meeting of parents of college students on November 26. Over 452 students, teachers, and parents attended the short presentation.

Ialoveni region: Teachers asked the team to visit five village schools and give presentations to youth. The first event, in collaboration with the Ialoveni Public Administration, took place at the Razeni Village High School on November 29. More than 270 pupils attended a lecture about Cultivating Love and Friendship during Adolescence. The teens were very excited by the role-play game about searching for one's better half, which introduced students to the benefits of purity and the need to develop integrity and character before marriage for the sake of a healthier and happier future generation. This was followed by presentations to 227 students at the Costeshti High School on December 6 and to 219 students at Petre Ștefănucă High School in the town of Ialoveni on December 8.

Conference: A conference on the theme of "The Family for Peace and Human Development" took place on November 25. The 23 participants included professors from four universities (Moldova State University, Pedagogical State University “Ion Creangă”, Universitatea Liberă Internțională din Moldova, and the Technical State University) researchers from the Academy of Science of Moldova, sociologists, ethnologists, journalists, and students. The topics of the presentations were very diverse and deep, each worthy of another meeting or conference. Participants were encouraged to organize similar conferences in their universities with the support of UPF-Moldova. The publication of the conference materials will be very helpful promoting awareness about the Importance of Marriage and Family for Peace and Human Development and expanding the work of UPF in Moldova. The conference was a partnership between UPF-Moldova, the Women's Federation for World Peace in Moldova, the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification in Moldova, the International Education Foundation, and Republican Movement Teachers for Peace and Mutual Understanding..

Family Federation: The Family Federation of Moldova organized training sessions on December 3 and 17 on the theme of Effective Communication and Harmony in the Couple attended by students from the Psychology faculty.

Visit by the Regional Director: On December 13, Mr. Eiji Tokuno, Regional Chair of UPF-Eurasia, traveled to Chisinau for two days of metings with UPF-Moldova leaders and Ambassadors for Peace. He listened to reports of recent activities and encouraged them to continue building the network of Ambassadors for Peace.

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