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Ambassadors for Peace

UPF-Argentina Holds Monthly Meeting

Argentina-2022-04-13-Ambassadors for Peace Opening Meeting - 2022


Argentina—UPF-Argentina officially opened its 2022 activities with a monthly Ambassadors for Peace meeting, featuring a presentation of this year’s Series. This virtual event took place on April 13, 2022 and we expect to have on-site meetings in May. The meeting began with an international message and welcoming remarks, and concluded with artistic numbers and a prayer.

“I would like to ask Ambassadors for Peace in this opening monthly meeting to contribute their knowledge and experiences, actively participating in activities in order to realize a peaceful world,” was the sentiment expressed in the beginning by Dr. Sung Jong Seo, director of UPF-Southern Cone (Argentina, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay). “Beyond people, race, nation, religion and politics, ‘the ideology of fraternity’ is the vision that seeks to realize a ‘great family under God’ in a world of Peace, where wars have no place,” he said after talking about the 2022 UPF World Summit and emphasizing the importance of Korea’s peaceful reunification as a foundation for world peace.

“We try to see different avenues from every capacity. Peace is the way. The capacity of every Ambassador for Peace, of every representative of the area, is to be able to think together, to strengthen Argentina as a nation of brothers and sisters; to provide company in this process so it can mature, even when in crisis. The most important thing we can do is to not decline, but to remain [steady], like Mahatma Gandhi did when he liberated India and showed us a non-violent way,” was part of the welcoming message, in representation of the Peace Council, of Prof. Julio Nardini, representative of the IAAP-Argentina.

Miguel Werner, president of UPF-Argentina, described the 2022 Series and established eight guidelines, which were presented in a PowerPoint: 1. Monthly meetings and appointing of Ambassadors for Peace; 2. Celebration of UN dates and other activities; 3. Joint initiatives with Leadership Areas, under “Project Argentina 2033”; 4. Initiatives in each Leadership Area of UPF-Argentina; 5. Initiatives with other entities; 6. 2022 “Honoring a Peace Legacy” Series; 7. Organization and participation in various activities and regional and international projects; 8. 2022 Peace Road: “Connecting Argentina through Peace.” (1)

During the event, a video was shown of the 40th anniversary of the Malvinas War, with brief testimonies of the new Ambassadors for Peace, Omar González, former football player who currently develops various solidary activities and the initiative “Football for Peace”; and the Malvinas veteran Julio Aro, president of the foundation “No me olvides,” who together with the British captain Geoffrey Cardozo encouraged the identification and recognition of fallen soldiers buried in Darwin cemetery.

At the end, the poem “La Paz infinita” was read by Ambassador for Peace and poet Marta Olga Palacio, provincial director of SIPEA Buenos Aires (2), and a prayer was given by Ambassador for Peace Graciela Páez Báez, representative of the Interreligious Association for Peace and Development (IAPD) in Argentina, and national coordinator of Religions of the Bahai’s Spiritual Assembly in Argentina. The purpose: “To entrust to Heaven the 2022 UPF-Argentina Series, for Peace in Ukraine and the world, and for Argentina, so leaders with values and good practices can be empowered.”

The meeting included two recorded musical numbers: “Canción con todos,” performed by a federated group of artists at the end of the 2020 Peace Road Argentina celebration (3); and Aleluya,” sung by young Ambassadors for Peace Kotoe Ainai, Hitomi Kageyama, Miki Sebata and Motomi Hirai, at the 2017 Red Cooperar Solidary Festival (4).

The meeting was warmly moderated by Ambassadors for Peace: journalist Luba Opeka, from the Akamasoa Argentina Foundation; and Professor Emanuel Sayavedra, secretary general of UPF-Argentina. They encouraged our guests to check our social media sites to find out about upcoming events: UPF Argentina, on Facebook and YouTube. Also, they shared UPF International’s website which has reports and photographs of the different activities:

The event ended with greetings and good wishes for the Passover celebrations, from the Jewish community; and Easter celebrations, from the Catholic and Christian community; and acknowledging the month of fasting in Ramadan, from the Muslim community. We hope these special days “will be a blessing for our families, Argentina and the world.”

To see a recording of the meeting, click here.


1) 2022 Cycle Projection:

2) Poem:

La Paz infinita”

Como fantasma de fuego ardiente
dejándonos cicatrices y heridas,
todo eso determina soledad y dolor
un interminable, camino de desdicha.

Busquemos el equilibrio
en cada paso de nuestra vida,
para reencontrar el amor
que aún hoy, peregrina.

Debemos aprender a no ser fanáticos
ya que el fanatismo es la ceguera del alma,
esa actitud nos lleva al abismo
a un futuro incierto, en el mañana.

Juntos exaltemos el diálogo
sembrando tres semillas,
respeto, humildad e igualdad
para cosechar esa Paz, la Paz infinita.

Author: Marta Olga Palacio

3) “Canción con todos”:

4) “Aleluya”:

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