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Ambassadors for Peace

UPF-Argentina Introduces the 2022 “Leadership and Cooperation” Manual

Argentina-2022-05-11-UPF-Argentina Introduces the 2022 “Leadership and Cooperation” Manual


Argentina—At the monthly Ambassadors for Peace meeting on May 11, 2022, we presented the Leadership and Cooperation Manual from the 2022 Series (1), at the main hall of the Merchant Marine University (UdeMM) in Buenos Aires (2). The event had 65 participants, in compliance with the maximum capacity due to current sanitary conditions.

It was an emotional, on-site reencounter, after two years of having to develop most activities and initiatives in a virtual platform. Laudatory welcoming remarks were given by Luis Franchi, engineer and dean of UdeMM, and Ambassador for Peace Silvia Gabriela Vázquez, secretary of University Extension at UdeMM and director of the University Social Responsibility Chair (3).

On this occasion, we introduced the representatives of the different leadership areas inaugurated in Argentina in the last few years, asking them to share their expectations and commitment and to encourage more participation in their specific areas. The first representatives were Parlasur Parliamentarian and engineer, Humberto Benedetto (by video message), and National Senator Dr. Silvia del Rosario Giacoppo, representative of IAPP-Argentina (4), host of the IAPP inauguration on November 30, 2017 at the National Senate.

The next to come on stage were representative of the Sikh Dharma Community Argentina, Inderveer Kaur, representative of IAPD-Argentina; UPCAM president, journalist Adrián De Angelis, representative of IMAP-Argentina; a new member of the UPF-Argentina’s Global Peace Council, Prof. Julio Nardini, representative of IAAP-Argentina; vice-president of the Hispanic Literary and Cultural Institute (ILCH), Prof. Bertha Bilbao Richter, representative of IAACP-Argentina; and economic analyst and expert in transcultural negotiation, Dr. Jorge Tuero, representative of IAED-Argentina (5).

All representatives received the 2033 Argentina Project Manual, an initiative that involves all leadership areas, along with the initiatives, programs and activities that are being developed in Argentina. Through this, we seek to “contribute to change and to empower a leadership that can regain the destiny of greatness which our ancestors and patriots imagined for all inhabitants of this blessed land and region.” This is a project in development, mainly through the different areas, and which requires explanation. “But we have 10 years to reveal what it is about,” said Miguel Werner, president of UPF-Argentina, in a brief presentation (6).

Participants were given the 2022 Peace Road folder, which is an annual project of UPF-Argentina along with other organizations. With the 2021 theme: “To perform actions in each of the 23 Argentinian provinces through proposals that arise from provincial institutional representatives: solidary, educative, ecological, artistic, sportive, intercultural and interreligious. The folder was first given to Ambassadors for Peace Christian Oreb, general coordinator of Red Cooperar (7), and journalist Patricia Pitaluga, president of the Civil Association Acercando Naciones. Both have been long-time institutional partners of this global initiative in Argentina. Next to receive the folder were the new Ambassador for Peace Luciana Zambrano, who is in charge of public relations for 2022 Peace Road Argentina, then, all representatives of leadership areas and other organizations that belong to the 2022 National Organizing Committee.

In the third section of the program, directors of UPF-Argentina, Carlos Varga and Laura Correa, gave a framed diploma and a UPF pin to some of the new Ambassadors for Peace appointed during virtual meetings held during 2020/2021: Mary Acosta, president of the Argentinian Academy “Alas” Latinoamericana (Godparents: Ambassadors for Peace Eduardo Borri and Jackeline Giusti, coordinators of the Pacis Nuntii Movement); Miriam Alberganti and Carlos Tryskier, directors of Payasólogos Sociales Latinoamérica (received by Godmother: Ambassador for Peace Stella Maris Coronel, from the Argentinian Organization of Social Clown Therapists, followed by clown therapists Marcela Ursino and Delma Perpetua Da Silva); Erika Alcaraz, general secretary of YSP-Argentina; Esteban Beltramino, coordinator of the translation department of YSP-Argentina (Godfather: Ambassador for Peace Emanuel Sayavedra, secretary general of UPF-Argentina); Cesáreo Esparza-Ivone de Fátima Badia, from the family department of FFWPU-Argentina (Godmother: Ambassador for Peace Alba Luz Tangarife, governing board of UPF-Argentina), who also received the diploma representing Luis Esparza, coordinator of the Sunghwa youth group, and Johanna Ochoa, president of Tong il Moo do-Argentina.

Next, Alejandro Fernández, CILSA athlete in the adapted cycling discipline (Godmother: Ambassador for Peace Silvia Carranza, president of CILSA); Marwan Gill, president of the Ahmadia Muslim Community in Argentina; Adila Ahmad, president of Layna Ahmadia in Argentina (Godfather: Ambassador of Peace David Frol, deputy vice-president of the Argentinian Council for Religious Freedom); and Miguel Martínez Pereyra, former district governor of Rotary International and current global director of the Health and Education Rotary Action Group, and Liliana Cravero, secretary of Inner Wheel of Montserrat Rotary Club (Godfather: Ambassador for Peace Horacio Daboul, public image of Parque Patricios Rotary Club).

The last individuals were young Ambassadors for Peace Juan Olivari, member of Hyo Jin Production; Matías Sayavedra, member of the IMAP-Argentina team; Jorge Luis Stein, Minister of Scientology Church in Argentina (Godmother: Ambassador for Peace Susana Segovia, public relations at Scientology Argentina); and Luciana Zambrano, Institutional Relations in “Cruzada Jujeña de Solidaridad” (Godmother: Ambassador for Peace Rosetta Conti, president of WFWP-Argentina).

“Today is a great day… being the first Ambassadors for Peace meeting that gathers us in a very special way, since it is on-site… We are together once more… We have endured such difficult, painful, sad moments… This has not stopped great people from having good actions… We thank our Heavenly Parent because we are here and are able to celebrate Life… we have to live in happiness and Peace… We have to do everything with love… All for love…” was expressed by Ambassador for Peace and journalist Luba Opeka, public relations of UPF-Argentina. She was the emcee along with Professor Emanuel Sayavedra, secretary general of UPF-Argentina.

Next, there was an international message by Dr. Simón Ferraboli, secretary general of UPF-South America, who focused on leadership values and good practices—commitment to the common good, opposed to the search of individual good, which has lapsed into corruption (8). The National Anthem was sung, honoring the day of the patriotic march, written by Vicente López y Planes with music by Blas Parera, a song proclaimed as an Argentinian “anthem” on May 11, 1813 by the Assembly of Year XIII.

Poet and writer Nélida Pessagno shared her poem, “Alarido,” “which is based on the last drama of war, which occurs with the same cruelty of all wars, with no exception” (9). Nélida is an Ambassador for Peace and Godmother of UPF-Argentina’s poetic-artistic contests, honorary member and former president of the Argentinian Writers Society, recognized by the Legislature as Outstanding Personality in the Field of Culture of Buenos Aires City.

The music was organized by composer and singer Alejandro Nizzero, who first performed two songs by Nino Bravo: “Libre” and “América,” and at the end sang one of his songs, related to the work and mission of UPF and Ambassadors for Peace, with the context that in such difficult times humanity suffers: “Pidamos por la Paz” (Let’s Ask for Peace) (10).


1) Leadership and Cooperation Manual, UPF-Argentina 2022 Series:

2) Link with photos of the meeting:

3) Video review on the meeting by SOCINCE:

4) Humberto Benedetto, Argentinian representative of the International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace (IAPP) and Parlasur (MERCOSUR) Parliamentarian since 2016. He was administrative secretary and advisor of the National Deputies Party, secretary of community development of Río Cuarto Municipality and Councilman of this Córdoba city. He is a chemical engineer and, in the private field, he founded Lácteos Santa Catalina and Artcheff Conservas Gourmet, among other undertakings.


Dr. Silvia del Rosario Giacoppo, Argentinian representative of the International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace (IAPP); National Senator for Jujuy Province since 2015, vice-president of the National Senate Committee on General Legislation and, since 2019, full member of the Judicial Council, permanent body of the Nation’s Judicial Power; current president of the Latin American and Caribbean Parliament (Parlatino), a regional organization consisting of national parliamentarians from Latin America and the Caribbean; Mayor of Monterrico (Jujuy) 1987-1989.


5) Inderveer Kaur, Argentinian representative of the International Association for Peace and Development (IAPD), representative of the Sikh Dharma Community in Argentina, member of Ladies in Interreligious Dialogue and the Cultural and Interreligious Action Board (ACEI), and an active participant of various interreligious meetings; a theology and philosophy teacher at the Catholic University of Argentina with a degree on Ayurvedic Diet by the Kerala University, India; yoga professor and therapist in various Eastern techniques, performing solidary activities in different religious communities in Argentina and India.


Journalist Adrián De Angelis, Argentinian representative of the International Media Association for Peace (IMAP); founder and president of the Union of Christian Journalists of Argentina and Mercosur (UPCAM) and host of the programs “La hora de Francisco” and “Compromiso Periodístico,” on Radio Grote; author of the book Juan Pablo II, santo súbito para la Argentina y el mundo (John Paul II, “santo subito” for Argentina and the World), published by Paulinas. He is recognized for his work and service vocation by different entities.


Prof. Julio Nardini, Argentinian representative of the International Association of Academicians for Peace (IAAP); history and theology professor (UCA) and former high school Dean at different schools; currently retired, but very active as an author of various educative blogs and as Intercession Minister since 1987. He is from the Word of God Movement and founding member of the Social Pastoral Committee of Buenos Aires City, and a new member of UPF’s Global Peace Council, which makes him a representative of Ambassadors for Peace in Argentina.


Prof. Bertha Bilbao Richter, Argentinian representative of the International Association of Arts and Culture for Peace (IAACP); literary critic and vice-president of the Hispanic Cultural and Literary Institute (ILCH); member of the Children’s and Youth’s Literature Argentinian Academy (AALIJ). She directs the undergraduate degree program on Literary Theory and Production and the undergraduate degree program on Children’s and Youth’s Literature of SADE, in agreement with the National University of Villa María (Córdoba). She was a judge and current Godmother of UPF-Argentina’s poetic-artistic contests.


Dr. Jorge Tuero, Argentinian representative of the International Association for Economic Development (IAED). He has a degree in Political Sciences (El Salvador University), Master’s in Business Administration (Princeton University, United States), PhD in Economy (Chicago University, United States). He is an economic analyst and expert on transcultural negotiation; the author of the book La nueva ruta de la seda, in which he outlined his knowledge and great experience in government and private dealings with China; and director of the civil association Acercando Naciones, which promotes understanding, volunteering and productive development.


6) Miguel Werner, president of UPF-Argentina:

7) Christian Oreb, general coordinator of Red Cooperar:

8) Dr. Simón Ferraboli, secretary general of UPF-South America:

9) Ambassador for Peace, poet and writer Nélida Pessagno:

10) Composer and singer Alejandro Nizzero:

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