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Ambassadors for Peace

UPF-Ghana Conducts Workshop for Ambassadors for Peace

Ghana-2022-10-05-UPF-Ghana Holds a 2-Day Capacity Building Workshop for Ambassadors for Peace

Achimota, Ghana—UPF-Ghana held a Capacity Building Workshop for its Ambassadors for Peace on October 4-5, 2022. The venue was the FFWPU Worship Centre, New Achimota, Accra, Ghana. The lecturers for the two-day program were: Rev. Tegha King Jr., national coordinator, UPF Associations; Dr. Helen M. Osei, secretary general, UPF-Ghana; and Rev. James A. Aidoo, FFWPU national leader, Ghana.

The basic objective for the workshop was to once again bring all members, both old and new, to a clearer understanding of the Co-Founder’s goal: “Global Restoration through Vision 2027 and the preparedness to be available at any time for mobilization.

PowerPoint materials for the lectures included:

Global Citizen: 2011 – Determined Man

UPF Significance – Objectives – Perspectives  

Spiritual Value as a Foundation for Leadership

Regional Guidelines for UPF Associations & Partners

ShinAfrikwest UPF Plan: Vision 2027, and

Divine Principle Lectures: Purpose of Life / The Fall / Restoration through the Blessing

Videos: Two videos were prepared: “As a Peace Loving Global Citizen” and the “South Africa Continental Blessing.” Each of the two days also began with HoondokHwe.

DAY 1 – Tuesday, October 4

After the opening prayer, the HDK was read by Ambassador for Peace Comrade Samuel Ojo. The theme was: “The Part of People of Cheon Il Guk: The New Era of Heavenly Law.” The content was very clear: Rev. Moon proclaimed five aspects of the new heavenly law by which humankind and all the creation will regain their rightful position to govern. After the reading, the first video was shown followed by the first lecture, “Global Citizen: 2011 – Determined Man,” given by Rev. Tegha.

Then Dr. Osei came on stage to offer the second presentation: “UPF Significance – Objectives – Perspectives.” After a lunch break, Dr. Osei spoke on the topic: “Spiritual Values as a Foundation for Leadership.” Since it was then close to 4:00 pm, we stopped further presentations and spent a short time on questions and answers. The rest of the lectures were shifted to the second day. With closing remarks by the UPF chairman, Fuseini Adongo, we brought the first day to a close, asking the participants for an early start the next day. 

DAY 2 – Wednesday, October 5

As usual, we had an opening prayer, and the HDK began, read by Rev. Tegha King. The title was: True Mother’s Message at the Rally of Hope for the Realization of a Heavenly Unified World.” After the message, most of the Ambassadors for Peace wondered why True Mother spoke about the urgency of the time. It was an opportunity to explain God’s providential timetable, which Mother Moon is emphasizing now.

Then Dr. Osei lectured on the topics: “Regional Guidelines for UPF Associations & Partners,” and “ShinAfrikwest UPF Plan: Vision 2027.” This time around, the Action Plan was explained in full.

On this day, October 5, one new member, Rev. Dr. Greyham Rossel, spoke to Dr. Osei privately, and revealed a spiritual encounter he had had at dawn, after having listened to the previous day’s lectures. According to him, he had a revelation where he was taken to the Heavenly Realm; there he saw Father Moon seated next to Jesus, while Jesus sat next to Heavenly Parent and so on….  I asked him if he would like to share the experience with all the participants before closing, and he said yes. Rev. Rosell shared his experience with members at the close (copy attached) and determined to commit himself more seriously to UPF in order to gain deeper understanding. On his own, he has worked for peace across Ghana for more than forty years. Because of his dedication towards peace, we intend to have him coordinate IAACP Ghana.

From the day we visited the Ghana Society of Persons with Disabilities on September 21, we began to deliberate on what sort of help the UPF could give them. As Dr. Osei presented our sub-regional Action Plan, the eleventh point indicated that we should develop projects that will address issues such as poverty, health, education, etc. This very point specified that by the middle of the term of our plan (between 2023 and 2025), we MUST establish health centers in some rural areas, provide clean water, identify brilliant students, and give a few scholarships, etc. As we deliberated further on the issue of a health center, two members raised their hands and pledged their commitments, should we determine to embark on such a project for the disabled. One is an engineer, Rev. Michael Quarshie, who pledged to construct the building, and the other is a businessman, Apostle Eselecha Forcha, who also pledged to invest into the building materials. With excitement and appreciation for their commitment, we ended the discussion and went for lunch.

After lunch, Rev. Aidoo took over the stage with his lectures. Although he was prepared to lecture all day, he was only able to give The Purpose of Life,” which the participants enjoyed. Again, time was running late and members wanted to go home. Nonetheless, we asked them to write their Reflections/Impressions before leaving.

There was one very critical topic that we could not have left behind—The Blessing. Everyone finally, however, agreed to come back in a week’s time (October 12), to complete the workshop and then receive Certificates of Participation. The 2-day workshop came to a close.

REFLECTIONS from two participants

Comrade Samuel B.T. Ojo (a Christian) – “The Mission Statement and the story of the Founder’s life well-lived, is one of the motivational keys to wake up all the sleeping parts of me. I learned lots about his approaches to man and God, and how he connected men to God, the Heavenly Father/Parent. I hold onto the motto: ‘Living for the sake of others.’ UPF is a platform that unites every race, and preaches peace and love to humankind, for us to reconnect to our Heavenly Parent for blessings. The vision of the Founder is a well-divined part to follow to bring unification between human beings and our Heavenly Parent. I promise to be a true instrument to preach love and peace wherever I find myself. This is just few points of what I have learned; many more will be shown in my character.”

Billy Yasin (a Muslim)“This training is both incredibly important and fascinating to me. The lecturer’s passion was encouraging and motivating. First, I was impressed by how crucial family values and beliefs are, not just to those who are close to me, but also to the society and the wider world. We can only achieve final peaceful co-existence with the best relationships and open communications. Second, the training taught me to keep an open mind and be alert for changes because the environment we live in is constantly changing. The final message they conveyed, and the impact it had on us, demonstrated that we are moving in the right direction. In conclusion, we will triumph and unite as ‘One Family Under God.’”

Wednesday, October 12

On October 11th, a message was sent to everyone, reminding them that we agreed to meet on the 12th, to be able to complete the lectures and receive certificates of participation. One other new member was also to be inducted as an Ambassador for Peace, receiving an award certificate.

On the morning of October 12 there were nine participants and three staff members, for a total of twelve, as against fourteen the previous week. The national leader, Rev. Aidoo, had said earlier that he would not be present at the workshop because he had to travel to his hometown. Rev. Tegha also was not available that morning. Dr. Osei prepared to handle that day’s lectures. After a brief overview, the day’s program started:

  1. Lecture on “The Interfaith Peace Blessing Festival”
  2. Workshop Certification
  3. Membership Award presentation
  4. Brief discussion on end-of-year event
  5. Closing

The lectures started with “The Interfaith Peace Blessing Festival.” The theme was “Strengthening the Families, Rebuilding the Nation, Creating a World of Peace.” It took quite some time, but participants found it interesting as it covered everything about Father and Mother Moon’s blessing activities, right from the 36 couples to the recent Phillipine blessings of 2015. That material also covers the main point of the Fall, and the simple explanation of Salvation = Restoration = Recreation through the blessing. Participants paid full attention to the presentation till the end. They received the certificates, and the new member, Billy Yasin, also received an award as a new Ambassador for Peace, inducted by the chairman, Mr. Adongo.

End-of-Year Event: For the brief discussion on the end-of-year event, the secretary general urged members to consider a program that will bring together the VIPs that were given special awards last year, December 2021. She suggested that this year we can name it “Ambassadors for Peace Fundraising Nite.” After some deliberations, the chairman then suggested that a 2- or 3-member committee meet during the week and decide exactly the event format and report to the UPF leaders for further planning.

Closing Remarks

The new member who received the AFP award, Billy Yasin, thanked all participants and the UPF for the gesture. He affirmed that the award will not just be a blessing to him alone, but to his entire community. He therefore assured UPF of his total commitment. Mr. Yasin is being prepared to serve as a local chairman of IAED Ghana.

Comrade Ojo, representing all the participants who received the workshop certificate, testified that the three days they committed to the lectures cannot be measured against anything else. He thanked the lecturers for the passion and great content, and asked if the materials could be made available to enable him to develop himself. The secretary general promised to work on that. Comrade Ojo is currently the vice president of the Ambassadors for Peace Council in Ghana.

In conclusion, Mr. Adongo said that he did not regret the time spent during the three days. He thanked all participants for their cooperation and inter-activeness, and asked everyone to pray fervently for God’s blessings and love upon the lecturers so that they may continue, especially for more energy upon Dr. Osei, who has become their “mentor.” The program ended with a prayer, followed by a photo session.

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