After registering the Universal Peace Federation in the Albanian Court, UPF-Albania decided to invite the 120 Ambassadors for Peace on the Albanian National Peace Council to a three-day symposium in order to give structure to UPF-Albania. It was the first meeting of the National Peace Council since local Peace Councils were established in June.

Two buses departed November 2 from the main square in Tirana for the Iberostar Bellevue Hotel in Becic, Montenegro. The hotel was on the seaside, surrounded by mountains, and the weather was sunny the entire time.

Eighty-seven Peace Council members attended, among them former President Mr. Alfred Moisiu, Dr. Marjeta Zace (Deputy Minister of Labour & Social Matters), Dr. Arben Malaj (Member of Parliament), two university rectors, and many academics, politicians, and leaders in various fields.

The moderator was Dr. Gaqo Apostoli, a member of the UPF Global Peace Council. The welcoming address was given by Rev. Yong Shik Cho, the special advisor to Albania, and the congratulatory address was given by Mr. Moisiu.

The second day started with the Anthem of UPF-Albania. Mr. Ali Lacej gave an introduction to the UPF, followed by a presentation by Mr. Robert Williamson (Regional Director for UPF-Balkans) on “The Need for a New Vision of Leadership.” Later, Mr. Robert Stefanc (Vice President of the Family Federation of Albania) gave a lecture on "God's Ideal of Peace." In the second section, Mr. Williamson talked about“Religion and Spiritual World.

The lunch break lasted three hours, and everyone enjoyed the natural beauty of Becic, where the sea and the sky were the same color.

The second part of the day started with elections for local Peace Councils. Chairmen and two vice-chairmen were chosen for four cities — Shkodra, Vlora, Korca and Tirana — and they automatically become part of Leading Council of UPF. There was a good gender balance in all elections.

The last sessions of the day addressed “The Origin of Human Conflict" and "Principles of Restoration," given by Rev. Jang Duk Bong, regional director for the Family Federation-Balkans. The audience was very attentive.

As in every symposium, we enjoyed a family evening led by Dr. Apostoli, who is a very good singer. The atmosphere was very joyful.

The last day started with a lecture by Mr. Gani Rroshi on “The UPF Vision and the Founder's Life.”

Various UPF committees were created, and Ambassadors for Peace were invited to register for the area in which they felt they could make the greatest contribution. These included committees on the Family, Education, Interfaith, Youth Ambassadors for Peace, Media and Tradition, Gender Balance, and Public Relations.

Prof. Dr. Shezai Rrokaj (Rector of Tirana University) was elected chairman of the National Peace Council. The Leading Council of UPF met and chose a new Chair of UPF-Albania, Mrs. Lavdie Ruci. Everyone congratulated Mrs. Ruci and expressed appreciation to Mr. Ali Lacej, who completed a successful year in leading UPF-Albania.

The symposium ended with plans for concrete ways to help Albania.


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