Tirana, Albania - At the annual meeting of the Albania National Peace Council on March 19, former President Alfred Moisiu encouraged Ambassadors for Peace to be more active in their respective fields in promoting peace nationally and internationally. "We should leave a true legacy after we pass away, by living for the sake of others," he added.
Dr. Yong Cheol Song Song, chair of UPF-Europe, opened the gathering by asking everyone to stand and offer silent prayer for the victims of the recent disasters in Japan. He encouraged Ambassadors for Peace to inherit the dedication of UPF Founders Dr. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon to transcending boundaries and loving humankind with a parental heart.
The chair of UPF-Albania, Mr. Ali Lacej challenged members of the National Peace Council to apply UPF's peace principles and be examples of good leadership in their nation as the Balkan region.
The second session of the council featured reports about the activities of the local peace councils. Other speakers included Mr. Tim Miller, Vice Chair of UPF-Europe; Mr. Robert Williamson, Regional Director of UPF-Balkans; and Mrs. Tomiko Duggan, Special Advisor to UPF-Albania. The meeting closed with the appointment of new Ambassadors for Peace, including Members of Parliament, scholars, generals, artists, and a journalist.
During their three-day stay in Albania, the international delegation also met with university officials to discuss potential areas of cooperation.
For a report of donations by Japanese women for Albanian orphans, click here.