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Ambassadors for Peace

Council Issues Appeal for Peace in Eurasia

Based on core universal values and universal moral principles, Eurasian Peace Council with the support of the Universal Peace Federation, addresses the root causes of conflicts that from our point of view root in human minds. This results in reconciliation and harmony, making the foundation for the development of peacemaking activity and consolidating relations of harmony and cooperation between religions and cultures.

We feel uneasy about the situation in the South Caucasus zones of conflict that remains tense, threatening world peace and security. The South Caucasus Peace Initiative should promote a constructive dialogue among all sides of the opposition involved in the conflicts between Georgia and Abkhazia, Georgia and Ossetia, and in Nagorno-Karabakh.

The Eurasian Peace Council declares its determination to support the process of the conflict regulation in Transdniestria,* paying special attention to the problems of human security and human development, the same as in the South Caucasus. We call upon all conflicting parties to approach discussing issues of sovereignty, borders, and territories in a wider humanitarian context.

The Eurasian Peace Council declares about importance of the Baltic Dialogue, a peacemaking initiative aimed at creating new channels of communication between the peoples of the Baltic nations and Russia that should be based on common European values for improving mutual understanding of Russian-speaking and indigenous populations in Baltic nations, and also for promoting the idea of European integration of Russia and Baltic states population.

The Eurasian Peace Council is ready to support the further promotion of the international project for creating an underwater tunnel across the Bering Strait that could become a real bridge of peace for connecting the nations, peoples, and continents of Eurasia and North America.

The Eurasian Peace Council calls for cooperation and interaction among all who desire peace, mutual understanding, and cooperation in the region and recommends joint peacemaking efforts of governments, religious organizations, NGOs, and private sector.

April, 9, 2011

For a report of the conference, click here.

* Transdniestria, also known as the Pridnestrovie region, is a breakaway territory located mostly on a strip of land between the Dniester River and the eastern Moldovan border with Ukraine.

For more information about UPF-Eurasia's Baltic Dialogue Initiative, click here.

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