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Ambassadors for Peace

St. Petersburg Peace Council Meets

St. Petersburg, Russia - Before summer vacations began, the Northwest Peace Council met for a presentation about the role of Ambassadors for Peace as mediators, discuss current events in North Africa, and consider a proposal to establish family clubs.

The Chair of the Northwest Peace Council and Secretary General UPF in northwestern Russia, Tatyana Krasnosumova took the floor. She told about the UPF International conference that was recently held in Moscow. Then she showed her presentation “Mediation and Mediators: New Goals for the Ambassadors for Peace of Russia.” She also explained the meaning of the two new terms. The main idea of the presentation was that the mission of Ambassadors for Peace corresponds to the concept of “mediation” of the Russian Federation. An Ambassador for Peace may be called a mediator of the Universal Peace Federation.

Then the audience watched a short slide-film “Ambassador for Peace means a Lifestyle.”

The report of the chair of the charitable organization “Ichumbi,” Ambassador for Peace Valens Maniragen, on "Africa Day: Results and Prospects” aroused keen interest and was followed by intense discussion. Among other things Valens spoke about the complicated situation in Libya. The participants of the meeting joined the discussion about what Ambassadors for Peace could do to improve the situation. Somebody even proposed that in order to solve the cruel conflict, the UPF founder, Dr. Sun Myung Moon, might meet Moammar Kaddafi and talk with him.

Thereafter, the information about development of the family project “My tribe, My family” was presented by the Peace Council volunteer Denis Pigasov. He told about the idea of creating family clubs where the members could meet experts in the field of education, psychology, etc. In such family clubs people could share and discuss their personal problems, ask for advice, participate in trainings and role-playing exercises. There they could pursue their interests such as sports and hobbies. The idea was supported by representatives of the municipal educational department “Chkalovsky”; they assured that they were ready to help with getting a grant for realization of the idea.

At the end of the meeting, a representative of a cosmetology company treated all women participants to a cleansing hand massage.

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