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Ambassadors for Peace

UPF-UK Peace Council Holds Annual Meeting

London, UK - The UPF-UK Annual Peace Council meeting on December 8 was a full day of the ideals and the activities of the Universal Peace Federation worldwide. There were the ideals and values as expressed by European UPF Chairman Dr. Yong Cheon Song and UK UPF-Chairman Jack Corley. The activities of local, national, European and other continents featured during the day. Mark Brann, UPF-Europe Secretary General, summarized developments worldwide especially reporting on the development of the European Leadership Conference series and the North Korean Medical Project.

The Ambassador of Nepal, H.E. Dr. Suresh Chalise, was appointed Ambassador for Peace for his work in the Nepal peace process. He addressed the audience, describing meeting Father Moon and visiting South Korea for a UPF conference and his involvement as the adviser to a former Prime Minister. He has been an Ambassador to both the US and now the UK for the last three years.

Robin Marsh and Margaret Ali reported on the 2012 activities of UK-UPF including several of the European Leadership Conferences. Christa Kamga spoke about the Youth Interfaith Council and the North Korean refugees book fair. She was followed by the remainder of the Youth UPF team, who made a group presentation about their projects. Neil O'Neil, Keldon Alleyne, Asuka Ohagi, Shabnam Khan and Adam Nazar explained the character education, 'evening with' (interviews with an inspiring person) and human rights education.

There were reports and a speech regarding Libya's development. Mr Ahmed Shebani, the Founder of the Democratic Party of Libya, spoke of his vision for Libya. He perceives the opportunity for a prosperous, fair, just, and religiously tolerant and inclusive nation. He answered questions that revealed more of the contemporary situation of Libya and its relationship with its neighbors.

He was followed by Amira El-Houderi, who has been involved in project called 'Destoori' to raise awareness on the local level in Libya of the democratic process of forming a constitution. She later was appointed Ambassador for Peace for her effort.

One participant, Satish Desai, shared that the day was 'an event to remember. Participation by young members was great! The presentations by people from Libya were especially interesting. As a Hindu-Indian from the UK, I am truly happy that, by the grace of Allah and with the blessings of Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him), the Libyans have come out of their ordeal as free and democratic people. I cannot resist the temptation and wonder whether the old Italian influence is regenerating among new Libyans, which appeared through the presentations!'

Building on the European Leadership Conference in the European Parliament earlier in the week, Charlotte Simon spoke of her experience of returning to the Democratic Republic of Congo when there was an invasion from Rwanda. She spoke of the suffering of women in eastern DR Congo, who have experienced mass rapes in the war-torn area.

Ambassador for Peace certificates were presented to Imam Mohammed Arif Hansrot, Amira El-Houderi, Harun Asif, Belinda Atim, Farah Jabeen, and Iyoud Daoudh. Farah Jabeen shared that it had been a great day full of activism, idealism, and an enthusiastic desire to make the world a better place.

For photos click here.

Note: In 2012, UPF-UK supported a series of international conferences:

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