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Ambassadors for Peace

UPF-Toronto Launches a New Year

Toronto, Canada - In their first meeting of the new year, on January 12, Toronto Ambassadors for Peace focused on the birth month of the Prophet Mohammad (Peace be upon him) and discussed the providence of restoration. Auth. Qamrul Khanson spoke about the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), and Rev. Mitch Dixon shared insights about the providence of restoration. The meeting was attended by Ambassadors for Peace and invited guests.

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Mr. Khanson stated that Mohammad (PBUH) is the Last Messenger and Prophet of God, and was born in the Arab-Islamic month of Rabiul Auvwal in the vicinity of Mecca after his father had passed away. The people of Arabia during the time were mostly polytheists, Christians, and Jews. Although polytheists were predominant in Mecca, their practices did not affect the monotheistic belief and conviction of Mohammad (PBUH) during his first 40 years of life. It was not until the age of 40 that he received the first revelation from Almighty God through Archangel Gabriel (PBUH) in the cave of Hira. Though Mohammad (PBUH) was unlettered, yet by the command of Almighty God, he read in the physical presence Archangel Gabriel (PBUH):

“Recite in the name of your Lord who created - Created man from a clinging substance. Recite, and your Lord is the most Generous - Who taught by the pen - Taught man that which he knew not.” (The Qur’an – Surah Al Alaque, "The Clot," 96:1–5)

The Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) had a mission to complete the religion of God which was initiated by Adam (PBUH), revived by several Messenger-Prophets such as Abraham, Moses, and Jesus (PBUT), and finally completed with the Last Messenger, Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). Islamic divine messages taught that Jesus Christ (PBUH) would return to the planet earth, establish the religion of God (Islam/Shalom) in totality, and that none of the people of the book (followers of the Psalms, Torah, and Gospel) would die without believing in Christ on his second coming.

Rev. Mitch Dixon, speaking about restoration, mentioned that humans are born with the power of decision or choice about which path to follow, and they experience success or destruction accordingly. Problems concerning human life and the universe cannot be solved without first understanding the nature of God. A human being attains perfection when he centers his life on his mind; likewise, the creation becomes complete only when God stands as its center. Hence, the universe is a perfect organic body that moves only according to God's purpose of creation. In a world where God's purpose of creation has been fulfilled, all individual beings embody God's original desire and original message and work to build the foundation for God's governance.

Everyone needs to go through a course to separate themselves from Satan. We do this in order to restore ourselves to the spiritual level which Adam and Eve had reached before the fall - the top of the growth stage. On this foundation, we are to receive the Messiah and be reborn, and thereby be fully restored to the original state of human beings before the fall. Finally, by following the Messiah, we should continue our growth to maturity where we can fulfill the purpose of creation.

Discussion and comments lasted almost an hour, during which Dr. H. Auckberaullee, A.R. Qureshi, and others contributed and exchanged their knowledge on the topics.

Reported by Qamrul Khanson

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