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Ambassadors for Peace

Korean Ambassadors for Peace Make Plans for 2013

Seoul, Korea - UPF-Korea held a workshop for Ambassadors for Peace in Seoul on March 29 to promote strong families, community volunteering, the reunification of Korea, and world peace. This is part of a series of workshops being held throughout Korea.

This workshop was attended by the chairmen of the Ambassadors for Peace Association of cities, counties, and districts. The branch leaders of UPF and city, county, and district pastors of the Family Federation for World Peace also attended the workshop.

UPF leaders and Ambassadors for Peace shared their vision and goals for 2013. The purpose of the event was to reorganize the national UPF network, revitalize the local organizations through sharing about exemplary local activities, and encourage local leaders.

The main program included welcoming remarks from chairmen of the Ambassadors for Peace Association, presentations about the activities in outstanding branches, a special lecture about "The Principles of Peace" by UPF-Korea Chairman Jeong Ro Yoon, and a briefing about plans for UPF in 2013 by UPF-Korea Secretary General Hyeon Young Lee. Meetings of representatives of the cities, counties, and districts took place before and after the luncheon.

Mr. Myung Hwan Ban, branch leader of Gwangju Ambassadors for Peace, said, “Peace will not happen by itself. It will happen when we work actively for local peace based on Rev. Moon’s words.” Mr. Sang Eun Seo, branch leader of Gyeongbuk Ambassadors for Peace, said, “We will make a Gyeongbuk steering committee that brings opinion leaders into this organization.”

Several branch leaders of UPF spoke. Mr. Tae Hi Han, branch director of UPF-Sacheon, said, “We are holding a monthly assembly for Ambassadors for Peace, and about 30 people participate in the meetings. Last year we donated 120 bags of rice to the Sacheon City Hall to help the underprivileged. Our activities are well known locally. Even the mayor came to our mountain-climbing competition to give a congratulatory speech. We are also holding monthly events such as conferences for multicultural children and forums for city congressmen.”

Mr. Sa Yeon Hwang, branch director of UPF-Jinan, said, “Jinan is near Mai Mountain, so our activities are mostly centered on mountain climbing. Also, we are using overseas training programs as opportunities to appoint new Ambassadors for Peace.” Mr. Gook Dong Yeo, branch director of UPF-Kimcheon, reported that "There are many people supporting the work of UPF, Peace Volunteers, the Women’s Forum, Youth Solidarity, and the Alpine Club.

At the end of his lecture, Mr. Jeon Lo Yoon said, ”Rev. Moon devoted his whole life to a peace movement that transcends religions, borders, and races.” He added, “As we heard from exemplary activities of other branches, there should be monthly organizational meetings. We should manage our organization systematically.”

Mr. Hyeon Young Lee announced that the major focus for the year includes advancing the purpose of UPF, revitalizing local activities, and foreign exchanges. He shared plans for activities, schedules, and exemplary local activities.

Similar workshops took place in Kwangju Jeonnam (April 8), Chungbuk (April 10), Gyeongnam (April 11), Jeonbuk (April 12), Gyeongbuk (April 15), and Gangwon (April 16); the next one will be held in Daegu (May 1).

Reactions from participants:

Mr. Jin Ha (former director of the Gyeongnam Board of Education):

“Recently, the security on the Korean peninsula became tumultuous and people are anxious. It is true that people are getting stressed because of North Korea. Most of the people, including me, want peace. At such a time, this workshop reminded me of the meaning of peace and being an Ambassador for Peace. Mr. Jeong Lo Yoon’s lecture touched my heart. I really appreciate all the directors and staff from Seoul. The lecture taught me the importance of having and managing a family. It made me reflect on how I’m managing my family. I’m still thinking about Mr. Yoon’s lecture that ‘when the family is right the country becomes right.’ I eagerly look forward to UPF’s activity plan for this year that Mr. Hyeon Young Lee presented. I am expecting to have more effective ways to build our local community.”

Ms. Shin Sun Hwang (member of a women's organization in Yangsan-si):

“I agree a lot with the idea that to revitalize the Ambassadors for Peace activities in Gyeongnam, we need to activate the alpine club. A meeting shouldn’t be a one-time event; they should be fun and ongoing. If our organization is to be an opinion leader in the local community, we need to involve a lot of people. In order to promote these ideas, committee advisers and local leaders should have good relationships and communicate well. Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s poem 'Crown of Glory; touched my heart. When Rev. Moon was alive, he emphasized peace, true love, and blessing. I remember those words that he said. I long for Korea to become more peaceful, a good place to live and full of love. I really like Mr. Yoon’s special lecture on the need to recover the value of the family. Also watching him talk and listening to the reports from the field made him seem like a friend. I really wish that in 2013 the headquarters and the field can communicate well and attract new Ambassadors for Peace.”

Translated by Lymhwa Kim

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