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Ambassadors for Peace

UPF-Argentina at International Book Fair

Argentina-2015-04-24-UPF-Argentina at International Book Fair

Buenos Aires, Argentina—UPF-Argentina organized an event on the theme, “Paths and Bridges for Peace,” at the 41st International Book Fair in Buenos Aires on April 24.  Ambassadors for Peace and guests participated in the several-long hour event where poems were read; presentations on various books were given; art shared; and music performed.  Ms. Graciela Licciardi, director of Enigma Publishers, coordinated the program of presentations.

Diversity of Expressions

The event began with poet Mr. Donato Perrone—a member of different literary groups and who has served as a judge for UPF-Argentina’s poetry contests—reading his poem, “Salir de la oscuridad”.

Afterwards, artists Ms. Marcela Cabeza and Ms. Adelina Carrión presented their paintings: “Unidos por la fe”, which won first prize at the 2012 Drawing and Painting Contest, and “Life is the Art of Encounter”, which appears on the front cover of “Sense and Peace”, an anthology of poems published by UPF-Argentina.

Poems from “Sense and Peace” were then read by: Ms. Raquel Graciela Fernández (who read “De la mano de Dios”); Mr. Ángel Juan Vota (who read “Paz, Salam, Shalom”); Ms. Leticia Liliana Marconi (who read “Abrazo en la paz”); Mr. Hugo López Pénelas (who read “Legado”); María Cristina Sorrentino (who read “Tender puentes”); Noé Zenón Suárez Casielles (who read “Vivir para la paz”); Ms. Elsa Teresa Pohl (who read “La palabra”); Ms. Elisabeth Luna Dávila (who read “Si estás conmigo”); Ms. Gladys Abilar (who read “Los humildes”); Ms. Fernanda Macimiani (who read “Fin del mundo”); Mr. Jorge García Pinto (who read “Amor vital”); Ms. Herminia Aretuo (who read “El ojo del alma”); Mr. Sergio Gerónimo López (who read “Utopaz”); and Ms. Cecilia María Labanca (who read “Los jóvenes ya alzan sus brazos...”). Ms. Labanca also spoke about her recent book, “Cosquillitas en el corazón”.

Essays were next read from the anthology, “The Accomplice Reader”, by: Ms. Beatriz Allocati (who read “Un camino”, a tribute to poet Blas de Otero); Ms. Marta Castagnino (who read “Licenciado vidriera”, from a novel by well-known author Don Miguel de Cervantes); David Sorbille (who read “Osvaldo Rossi, solidez poética en la modernidad líquida” by Bertha Bilbao Ritcher); Ms. Carlota Guzzo Conte-Grand (who read “Homenaje a Domingo Faustino Sarmiento”); Mr. Carlos Enrique Berbeglia (who read the essay, “Desengaño y espiritualidad”); Ms. Adriana Gaspar (who read “Una misma temática en diferentes tiempos históricos”); and Ms. Graciela Licciardi (who read “Lo que está detrás de la lluvia”, a tribute to poet Jorge Riveiro).

Ms. Liliana Tomba, Ms. María Irene Giurlani, and Ms. Beatriz Martínez de Valerio also presented their literary works: “¿Querés conocer tu futuro?”; “Abrazo geométrico”; and “Coloquio para el alma”, respectively.

Paths and Bridges for Peace

After the readings, music was performed and a painting displayed as Ms. Silvia Gabriela Vázquez, director of the interdisciplinary degree program in social responsibility at the Universidad de la Marina Mercante, read the story “Trabajando”, and the poem “¿Dónde hallar la brújula del mundo?”.

At the end of the event, Ms. Estela Pittavino, director of Regional Programming and Integration at the Cultural Institute of Buenos Aires, gave certificates to each of the participants.

Mr. Miguel Werner, secretary general of UPF-Argentina expressed his gratitude to the Institute and gave the board of directors of the organization a Universal Peace Flag. He thanked  everyone who attended the event and also gave out books donated by different authors; among them, “Cuentos para las noches” by writer  Lita López Nenning.

Mr. Nicolás Pavlov, who has a talent for making paper cranes, made “doves of peace”, which he gave as a gift to different presenters, with the intention to give a peace message. Many of the presenters expressed gratitude for having been able to offer their talent and creativity to build “paths and bridges for peace”.

Translation: Yamila Gómez

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