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Ambassadors for Peace

Argentinians Share World Summit 2019 Experiences

Argentina-2019-03-28-Argentinians Share World Summit 2019 Experiences

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Buenos Aires, Argentina—Argentinean parliamentarian Alicia Soraire and a journalist from Canal 13 of Río Cuarto Vanina Cacace (video) shared their experiences participating in the UPF World Summit 2019, which took place in Seoul, Korea from February 7 to 10 (1), at an information meeting on the conference UPF-Argentina held on March 28 at Bioy Casares Hall in Buenos Aires city.

Also during the meeting, Mr. Carlos Varga, director of UPF-Argentina, gave a short speech, and Mr. Miguel Werner, secretary general of UPF-Argentina, spoke about UPF’s perspectives on and the initiatives it will be focusing on in and the activities it has planned for 2019. And a short video about the World Summit 2019 was shown.

Excerpts of the speeches that were given by the laureates of the third Sunhak Peace Prize, activist Waris Dirie and Dr. Akinwumi Adesina (2), and translated into Spanish, were read. The meeting concluded with a reading of a summary of the activities UPF-Argentina carried out in 2018 (3).

A video summary of the meeting can be viewed here.

(1) The UPF World Summit 2019 was held from February 7 to 10 in Seoul, Korea, under the theme, “Addressing the Critical Challenges of our Time: Interdependence, Mutual Prosperity and Universal Values.” More than 1,000 participants from more than 100 countries attended the conference. The Summit featured the inauguration of the International Summit Council for Peace (ISCP), the global assemblies of the International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace (IAPP) and the Interreligious Association for Peace and Development (IAPD), the 2019 Sunhak Peace Prize Award Ceremony, and a special session on the peaceful reunification of the Korean peninsula. On February 10, the Founders’ Birthday Celebration was held at the Cheongshim Peace World Center with more than 30,000 participants.

(2) The third Sunhak Peace Prize Award was given to activist Waris Dirie from Somalia, who leads the Desert Flower Foundation, and Dr. Akinwumi Adesina from Nigeria, who is the president of the African Development Bank, for their “important contributions to protect human rights and improve the quality of life of the African people.” Ms. Dirie was selected for her contribution to “improve the rights of African girls and women by leading a campaign to eradicate female genital mutilation,” and Dr. Adesina “for promoting a vision of good governance for African nations and implementing innovative agricultural policies.” For more information, please visit the Sunhak Peace Prize website.

(3) The emcee read an excerpt from a speech Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, co-founder of UPF, gave at the inauguration of the International Summit Council for Peace at the World Summit 2019:“This path to attend the eternal Heavenly Parent is the only path for humankind. I ask you to join me in building a peaceful world of one human family attending our Heavenly Parent.”

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