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Ambassadors for Peace

UPF-Argentina’s June Meeting Extends Outreach and Ecology Efforts

Argentina-2019-06-12-UPF-Argentina’s June Meeting Extends Outreach and Ecology Efforts

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Buenos Aires, Argentina—An Ambassadors for Peace outreach initiative was the main theme of UPF-Argentina’s monthly June meeting, which took place on June 12 at UPF’s Peace Embassy

The meeting began with Ambassador for Peace María Helena Rodríguez Sivera reading an excerpt of UPF’s keynote address “God’s Ideal Family—the Model for World Peace.” Emanuel Sayavedra, member of UPF’s Peace Council in Argentina, provided a report on the latest activities, which included comments from Ambassadors for Peace.

Then, Miguel Werner, secretary general of UPF-Argentina, discussed the Ambassadors for Peace outreach initiative. He recalled UPF’s mission, “to provide new levels of leadership,” which provided a focus on the significance of this initiative. Later, he mentioned the candidates’ profile, “from which we expect strong universal spiritual values.” For example, we expect Ambassadors for Peace to promote interreligious, intercultural, cross-generational, and interagency reconciliation (remembering the past) and cooperation (looking to the future). He also highlighted the importance of family values and the practice of the essence of all spiritual traditions in any area or organization, “Live for the sake of others,” along with the value of teamwork (like an “extended family”), transcending particularism and exclusivity.

During the meeting, we distributed forms to nominate Ambassadors for Peace candidates, and we extended invitations to our upcoming activities. We also gave out trees to promote the campaign “Let’s Plant Trees: Let’s Sow Peace.” The trees were donated by Elizabeth Fogwill, coordinator of the group ECO’S—Recreación Ambiental (“Tree Week” Campaign). The trees included four jacarandas, four yellow bells, three senna corymbosa, two espinillo, one jelly bean tree, and one pacara tree.

Also, we brought news of the nomination of Argentinian candidates for the fourth Sunhak Peace Prize. They were Father Pedro Opeka, nominated by Ambassador for Peace Adrián de Angelis, who presides over the Union of Christian Journalists From Argentina and MERCOSUR; Dr. Abel Albino, nominated by Ambassador for Peace Ambassador Humberto Benedetto, MERCOSUR Parliamentarian; and holistic coach and conflict resolution specialist Juan Bautista Segonds, nominated by Ambassador for Peace Patricia Pitaluga, who directs the civil association “Acercando Naciones”.

At the end, we celebrated the birthdays of those born in June and offered a family basket, which was won by Ambassador for Peace Marcos Daverio. We finished the meeting with an interreligious prayer given by Ambassadors for Peace Pastor Alba Rosa Contardo and Faiza Yahia.

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