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Ambassadors for Peace

UPF-Brazil Honors 12 New Ambassadors for Peace

Brazil-2020-02-27-UPF-Brazil Honors 12 New Ambassadors for Peace

Paraná State, Brazil—UPF-Brazil’s fifth assembly to induct new Ambassadors for Peace event took place at the Edson Dalke Convention Center in Almirante Tamandaré. The board overseeing the event was composed of the following: Councilman Amarildo Batista, chairman of the board; Dr. Neudir Simão Ferrabol, secretary general for UPF-South America; Delegate Rubens Recalcatti, state deputy; Gerson Colodel, mayor of the city; Luiz Goulart, federal deputy; and Fernando Francischini, state deputy. The number of people who attended the event was 138.

The event's themes and objectives were:

  1. Building partnerships for the establishment of a culture of peace and sustainable development;
  2. Awarding the title of Ambassador of Peace to 12 nominees;
  3. Holding the Toast for Peace for couples present at the event.

The main lecture on UPF and its activities was presented by Dr. Neudir Simão Ferabolli. Then we had a musical presentation by Pastora Tatiane Gil.

The event took place with the collaboration of some Ambassadors for Peace in nominating candidates and publicizing the event together, with the family of Mr. Davi and Teresinha Galvão. Around 16 couples participated in the Toast of Peace.

The following 12 new Ambassadors for Peace were recognized:

  1. Gerson Colodel – Mayor of Almirante Tamandaré City;
  2. Luiz Goularte Alves – Congressman
  3. Fernando Francischini – State Deputy
  4. Marco Antonio Araujo – Judge
  5. Daniel Prestes Fagundes – Police Chief
  6. Claudeci Aparecido Rodrigues – City Councilman
  7. Edenilson Costa Faria – City Councilman
  8. Laercio Silva de Souza – City Councilman
  9. Maria Bernardete Pavoni – City Councilwoman
  10. Jocelma Alves Fonseca Maria - Municipal Secretary of Public Security
  11. Jorge José do Espírito Santo – Dentist
  12. Sonia Aparecida Pardim Cordeiro - Volunteer

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