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Ambassadors for Peace

UPF-Peru Increases Its Media Presence

Peru-2020-05-01-UPF-Peru Increases Its Media Presence

Lima, Peru—UPF Peru has been sharing news and reporting on activities both international and national for a number of years through emails, Facebook and WhatsApp. But when one of our Ambassadors for Peace offered us a weekly one-hour slot on her radio station, it enabled us to gain more recognition in the country. With the help of other Ambassadors for Peace with experience in the media, we have developed a strong presence in Peru, which can be seen through the numbers of people responding to our Facebook page news items and our WhatsApp Ambassadors group.

UPF Peru on Facebook has more than 1,300 followers, and an article published recently attracted over 4,000 views. In this last 30 days, our news has reached 8,500 people. Click here for the UPF Peru Facebook page.

Our Ambassadors WhatsApp group has more than 150 members who now, during the pandemic, are sharing medical advice and other news constantly. Also some of our Ambassadors for Peace who are medical professionals have been personally guiding others who are suffering from symptoms of the virus, in some cases helping them to be admitted to hospital when the normal system fails.

The magazine Vision Actual of Peru has published its latest virtual edition. Last year the editor started producing a supplement of UPF Peru activities that has recently been expanded to include worldwide UPF events. The director and Ambassador for Peace Mr. Walter Echevarria attended the launch of the International Media Association for Peace in Seoul. The latest supplement of UPF can be seen from pages 29–43. Reports cover Summit 2020 and activities of UPF-Peru:

Also the magazine Embajador has an article in this month’s edition (pages 30-33) written by an editorial consultant and Ambassador for Peace who is the former editor of Tiempos del Mundo Peru. He attended the International Media Association for Peace meeting in Seoul:

This month we also launched our YouTube account, where videos of our work are being posted:

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