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Ambassadors for Peace

UPF-Brazil Concludes 2020 With 264 Online Participants

Brazil—On December 21, 2020, UPF-Brazil held a meeting of Ambassadors for Peace to close the year 2020, with the objective of reviewing the activities carried out in 2020 and outlining new plans for 2021. Reports were shared, and there were inspiring words of gratitude for the year that is ending and of hope for the activities of 2021. The event, held online on the Zoom and Youtube platforms, was attended by 264 people, including Ambassadors for Peace and sympathetic guests from all areas of activity. The event moderator was Dr. André Rocha, secretary general of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification in Brazil.

The opening prayer was given by Pastor Jonas Florêncio, who first expressed his gratitude for being together at this event, putting into practice the wishes of the Eternal Parent to promote peace around the world.

The initial words were in the charge of Rev Koichi Sasaki, president of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification in Brazil. He began his speech by wishing all Ambassadors for Peace health and joy. He recalled the events that took place during this year, especially the Rallies of Hope of Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon that were only possible thanks to the sincere heart of everyone who participated and dedicated themselves entirely to success on a global level. He thanked everyone immensely for their participation and efforts to develop peace projects. Even with the Covid-19 pandemic, the Ambassadors for Peace were motivated to help people even more. He reiterated his gratitude for the efforts, wishing that in 2021 more could be done to achieve this great world peace mission.

Then we received the words of Rev. David Dong Woo Kim, continental leader of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification in South America. Thanking everyone for their presence, he presented his strategy of working with the great leaders of Brazil, especially the Ambassadors for Peace, for the establishment of peace in Brazil and South America. This being an atypical year due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we were unable to accomplish everything we planned, but we believe that each one of those present managed to build peace at least in their families. He emphasized that UPF’s founder. Reverend Moon, said that before we think about building world peace we must first achieve it inside our family. Based on this foundation of creating peace in our family, Reverend Kim wished that Ambassadors for Peace can take this concept as a wave to reach the whole of Brazil in 2021.

Rev. Dong Mo Shin, chairman of UPF-South America, thanked everyone for attending this last meeting of 2020, recalled that this has been a very challenging year undoubtedly a year of many losses—economic, emotional, and of life itself. He recalled that crises also create opportunities, as human beings have an incredible ability to recreate themselves, even to rise from the ashes like a phoenix. He thanked immeasurably the Ambassadors for Peace in Brazil who were not intimidated by the pandemic, but continued their support for UPF activities, reinventing themselves at each event and delivering the best of themselves. He wished for good health so that in 2021 we could do much more.

Dr. Simão Ferabolli, secretary general, UPF-South America, began his speech with thanks all present, emphasizing his great wish that in 2021 we can meet in person and be able to share our eyes, smiles, hearts, words, hope, faith and especially our love. He presented a retrospective of the year 2020, starting in February with events commemorating the 100 years of Reverend Moon and the launches of the International Association of Academics for Peace, the International Association of Media for Peace, and the International Association for Peace and Economic Development, which together with the existing associations under the umbrella of UPF, can cover various segments of society. During the course of the year several meetings were held, but a highlight was the Rallies of Hope, through which a worldwide peace movement spread. He presented a 2021 projection that is focused on the worldwide efforts for the peaceful reunification of the Koreas. In addition, there will be a sequence of webinars to set up a working group with experts to support these reunification activities. He concluded with the words of Reverend Moon: “True love save the world.”

Mr. Samuel Ota Linhares, president of Youth and Students for Peace in Brazil, thanked the Ambassadors for Peace for their support in all the activities carried out in this year. He explained that the role of Youth and Students for Peace is in building activities that look to future generations. In this way all institutions must work together as a family promoting the universal values ​​of peace. He wished that in 2021 all partnerships started in 2020 could be continued, multiplying the results and reaching more people with the same objective.

Ms. Onan Sasaki, president of the Women’s Federation for World Peace in Brazil, said that this year was very special even with the pandemic. Before we didn't have much time, but with the pandemic we tried to spend more time with our families, enjoying simple moments that mean a lot. Sgh said that this year will leave many marks, as many families have gone through difficulties and lost someone, but even so, the Ambassadors for Peace did not stop. This pandemic showed us that we can have activities and meetings without leaving home. A good example is the Rallies of Hope, where Ambassadors for Peace supported the Mother of Peace.

Ms. Eliza Ferreira, public relations, UPF-Brazil, highlighted that this year, even though they were not in person, the Ambassadors for Peace were always connected from the heart in all activities. She was honored to remember Reverend Moon's words that "the world will be saved by Ambassadors for Peace."

Then, the floor was opened to several Ambassadors for Peace, who each had a few minutes to offer their year-end greetings and determination for 2021.

At the meeting’s close, Dr. Ferabolli thanked everyone, wishing them happy holidays.

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