Portugal-2021-07-24-Ambassadors for Peace Discuss UPF Values

Lisbon, Portugal—UPF Ambassadors for Peace were invited to a dialogue on “Interdependence and Living for the Sake of Others."

The online meeting on July 24, 2021, gathered both the most recent and the earliest Ambassadors for Peace to discuss the meaning of values advocated by Ambassadors for Peace around the world.

Among the 12 participants were seven Ambassadors for Peace and also one candidate for a future nomination.

The theme was inspired by the three main values of UPF International: interdependence, mutual prosperity and universally shared values—with interdependence chosen as the main focus of this meeting.

Connected with this theme, we also discussed one of the five basic UPF Peace Principles: “The way to reconcile the divided human family is to live for the sake of others.” We invited all the participants to contribute a brief reflection to our conversation.

After the secretary of the UPF-Portugal board opened the meeting with words of welcome, a short introductory video was shown.

The UPF president made a brief presentation in which he introduced each of the Ambassadors for Peace attending the webinar, so that they could get to know each other:

Professor Delmar Gonçalves, president of the Circle of Mozambican Writers in the Diaspora and also national secretary of the Unión Hispanomundial de Escritores ("World Hispanic Writers Union");

Dr. Ajit Hansraj, vice president of the Hindu community of Portugal;

Dr. Alexandra Amaral, founder of the NGO Acácia (Association for International Cooperation with Africa);

Rev. Pastor Barros Banza from the Anglican Church in Portugal;

Professor Lígia Ferreira, a researcher and master of educational psychology;

Jorge Silva, a lecturer from the Japanese Seicho-no-Ie (“House of Growth”) philosophy;

Dr. Antonieta Gomes, a researcher and member of the Municipal Assembly of the Socialist Party in the city of Sintra;

Professor Eliara Marli Rosa, a specialist in educational management.

The UPF president presented the central theme and then opened the discussion to all the participants, who found it very inspiring, enriching and in tune with the ideas transmitted by UPF.

The meeting ended with some announcements, in particular about the availability of the Portuguese edition of Mother of Peace, the memoir of UPF co-founder Mother Moon, and about the second series of the International Leadership Conference, which would be held from July 27 to 29.

In the near future UPF-Portugal will hold more meetings of this kind, gathering not only current Ambassadors for Peace but also potential Ambassadors for Peace and UPF partners, leading to the creation of a Peace Council at the national level.

Thank you very much! "We are together!"

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