Luanda, Angola—In view of the good relations between the Republic of South Korea and the Republic of Angola, the Embassy of South Korea in Angola promoted a festival commemorating the 30th Anniversary of the establishment of Diplomatic Relations between the Republic of South Korea and the Republic of Angola. For this festival, held November 5, 2022 in Luanda, Angola, the embassy of the Republic of South Korea asked the Universal Peace Federation and the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification to participate and invite 2,000 people to attend.
Thus, UPF and FFWPU invited their partners: traditional authorities, church partners and civil society organizations.
Among the attendees were Rev. Kinambuta Sambu Pedro, president of FFWPU; Benvindo Wansung Pelani, secretary general of UPF; diplomatic representatives in Angola; and the Vice-Governor of Luanda. There were 1,500 participants.
The diplomatic representatives present at the festival were very happy and impressed by the presence of the traditional authorities. During the event, the secretary general of the Universal Peace Federation and the president of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification in Angola were able to have a brief conversation with the South Korean Ambassador in Angola and the deputy chief of mission. The embassy thanked the Universal Peace Federation and the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification in Angola for all the support provided at the activity.