
Peace and Security


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Peace and Security

Response and Call to Action on Israel and Gaza

Response and Call to Action on Israel and Gaza

A Statement by Universal Peace Federation International

October 25, 2023

The senseless destruction of lives in Israel and Gaza leaves us all traumatized. The killing of children, families and innocent people has the world weeping and crying out. Terrorism has no place in this world, especially in the Holy Land, the birthplace of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, religions of ultimate value and wisdom, revered and respected around the world. These great spiritual traditions are surely capable of providing us with the spiritual resources that point toward a restorative opportunity for peace. 

Universal Peace Federation’s Founders, the Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, both addressed a forum at the United Nations on August 18, 2000 emphasizing the role of faith leaders who, in concert with heads of state and diplomats, can support efforts toward peace. When those political efforts break down, diplomatic channels are closed off. However, faith leaders, even when there is an impasse, can continue “track two” engagements and dialogue. Such non-violent efforts, historically, have kept the possibility of peace alive. As people of faith, we support the efforts for peace by the UN and remain permanently committed to supporting peace through dialogue and mutual respect. 

It is in keeping with the UPF founding vision that we issue the following call to action:

We ask people of faith the world over – especially Jews, Christians and Muslims – to draw from the timeless principles within their traditions to attend and call on God for a new vision for peace. Not all Palestinians should be blamed for the actions of Hamas. We also recognize the right of Israel to exist and defend itself. We call upon leaders of every faith to renounce violence and all actions that multiply hate and revenge.

With the help of God, faith leaders can offer a glimmer of hope that the violence and suffering can cease, and that lasting peace can be achieved. Based on the spiritual teachings of the Holy Land that include repentance, forgiveness, mutual respect and even the recognition that in the eyes of the Creator we are all members of one family of humanity, a permanent reconciliation and peace can surely emerge for Palestine and Israel.


UPF International

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