Moscow, Russia - UPF-Russia held a forum on the theme of “Prospects and challenges of creating more secure world” on Feb. 19, 2011. The issue of a “more secure world” was presented to the delegates of the 65th General Assembly by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon as one of the priorities in 2011. The workshop was attended by Ambassadors for Peace, experts in human rights and civil society, representatives of NGOs, political parties, and the media.

The current situation in North Africa and Middle East and the threat of terrorism prove the urgent need of principles and pragmatic collective opposition to forces that are ready to widen the division within the international community. But peacemaking efforts include not only the responsibilities of separate nations or governments but also, quoting the words of the Federation Council vice-speaker’s adviser, Evgeny Nikulishev, “…no army, no intelligence service, nor any government can succeed in building a more secure world without the support of society.”  Also, he answered the question that came from Novosibirsk through the Internet about human indifference by reminding the audience of the famous words: “Idea turns into material force when people come to be possessed by them.” It was about humanistic ideas that Prof. Anna Gudima spoke in her report “From ethnos to ethnos: Vector of positive development in the age of globalization.”

It’s interesting to note that all the speakers in their reports mentioned, one way or another, issues of faith, religion, and need for spiritual transformation emphasizing that building a more secure world starts in each person’s mind, especially if that mind is directed towards God. Sergei Kuznetsov, head editor of the magazine “Greater Washington,” in his dynamic speech told about urgency of the interfaith dialogue, tolerance, and joint activity of different churches; he said that there should be no strife for spheres of influence and no domineering of one church over others. Also he justly criticized the spiritual and moral atmosphere of our media.

In conclusion, the Secretary General of UPF-Russia, Konstantin Krylov, reported about the recent international conference in Seoul, Korea and the worldwide work of Ambassadors for Peace aimed at promoting a more secure world.

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