Lusaka, Zambia—UPF-Zambia held a seminar to prepare citizens to understand the upcoming referendum on the country’s Bill of Rights.
Held on June 23, 2016, at the Lusaka Peace Embassy, the one-day seminar was titled “Bill of Rights and the Referendum: What Do We Understand?”
Among the approximately 75 participants were the Attorney General of the Republic of Zambia Hon. Likando Kalaluka, senior counsel, as the guest of honor and speaker; Mrs. Triza Lungu, legal counsel of the Electoral Commission of Zambia; and Mr. Mweelwa Muleya, chief of information, education and training of the Human Rights Commission. There were also NGOs, Ambassadors for Peace, students of higher learning institutions, business leaders, as well as political figures from the ruling party and opposition parties.
The seminar started with a prayer given by Pastor Eric Mutewa of the Zambian chapter of Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, an affiliated organization, followed by opening remarks by UPF-Zambia Chair Rt. Hon. Gen. Malimba Nathaniel Masheke. In his speech he spoke about the spirit of UPF in inviting experts from relevant organizations to give lectures as a contribution toward peaceful elections on August 11, 2016.
The guest of honor, Hon. Likando Kalaluka, was the second speaker. In his speech the attorney general explained about the meaning and importance of the referendum on the Bill of Rights, which provide for the inherent and fundamental rights of each and every individual. He finally stressed the importance for all to vote.
The third presenter was Mrs. Triza Lungu, legal counsel at the Electoral Commission of Zambia. In her PowerPoint presentation she explained about the meaning of the referendum, which is a process that allows citizens to approve or reject a law to be passed by the legislature. She also stressed the importance of voting in the coming elections.
The last presenter was UPF-Zambia Secretary General Rev. Rudolf Faerber. In his PowerPoint presentation on the five principles of Ambassadors for Peace, he emphasized that Zambia should preserve peace not only during elections but all the time.
The purpose of the seminar was to bring together all the institutions involved in the preparation of the elections (presidential, parliamentarian, elections of counselors, mayors and the referendum on the Bill of Rights) on August 11. Since the Parliament was dissolved in Zambia and government officials are busy with electoral campaigns, the key players at the Ministry of Justice were represented by the attorney general and the Electoral Commission of Zambia.
At the end of each presentation, participants had the opportunity to deepen their understanding on the referendum on the Bill of Rights. Participants also were given the time to pray for peaceful elections. The conference was covered by fourteen media houses and was broadcast on the National Television, Zambia Broadcasting services (ZNBC) and other television and radio stations.