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Peace and Security

China’s War against Religions Exposed

Slovakia-2019-12-10-China’s War against Religions Exposed

Bratislava, Slovakia—To commemorate Human Rights Day, UPF-Slovakia organized the presentation “LAOGAI – Gulag Labor Camps in China.”

The guest speaker was Peter Zoehrer, executive director of the Forum for Religious Freedom Europe (FOREF), based in Vienna, Austria. The stirring presentation encompassed the persecution of the Muslim Uyghurs and other religions, the labor camp system, the connection of executions and trade in human organs, as well as the newest methods of mind control and manipulation.

“The high-tech observation of citizens and the so-called social credit system are going far beyond the horrific scenes described in George Orwell’s novel Nineteen Eighty-Four,” Mr. Zoehrer said. He showed maps of the Uyghurs’ detention camps and recently leaked documents of instructions of the Chinese Communist Party, i.e. “strictly implement measures to prevent escape.”

He emphasized that the labor camps violate Article 4 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR): “No one shall be held in slavery or servitude.”

The persecution of believers varies according to the legal status of the faith. There are only a handful officially accepted religions, but many more strictly regulated faiths and forbidden religions, such as Falun Gong.

A good look behind the curtain was given by a video report about Peter Zoehrer’s observations at a staged demonstration in front of the Church of Almighty God in Seoul. This was a shocking account of China’s long arm that reaches even into sovereign countries, such as South Korea. He has interviewed Christian refugees in Seoul and in Vienna.

“The Communist Party not only is persecuting Christians in China, but also harasses them around the globe. It seems the government is waging a war against religion,” Mr. Zoehrer said. To give a vivid illustration, he showed several video clips, including the chilling documentary report The Hoax (click here).

At the end a lively question-and-answer session took place, moderated by UPF-Slovakia Secretary General Milos Klas. The 33 participants appreciated the high quality of the lecture and discussion. We sent them links to watch documentaries and interviews to get deeper insights into the topic.

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