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UPF Participates in Early Childhood Development Side Group

Indonesia-2018-10-10-UPF Participates in Early Childhood Development Side Group

Bali Province, Indonesia—UPF took part in an international program on faith-based involvement in early-childhood development.

The Moral Imperative side event was held on October 10, 2018, during the annual meeting of the World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund at the Bali Convention Centre on October 9 to 12, 2018.

More than 40 participants attended the side event, whose theme was “Results for Children: Faith Actors High-Level Advocacy Forum Investing in Early Childhood Development.”

Through the forum, the Moral Imperative sought to draw attention to the real cost to families, communities and societies of failing to invest in early childhood development.

Dr. Tageldin Hamad, vice president of UPF International, moderated a session which urged NGOs and their networks to move toward the implementation of the Moral Imperative, taking strategic action in achieving results for children.  

UPF-Indonesia, represented by Mrs. Ursula McLackland, facilitated the presence of Hon. Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita, minister for social affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, who spoke about Indonesia’s strong belief in “having healthy, educated and happy children” and its bold initiative toward investment in early childhood development. The minister called for well-targeted and resourced social programs in order to achieve the early childhood development targets.

Ms. Edith Jibunoh, manager for global stakeholder engagement at the World Bank, urged faith-inspired actors to seize the opportunities offered by the World Bank’s renewed focus on human capital development for their own advocacy and investment in early childhood development.

Mr. Fred Nyabera of Arigatou International presided over the meeting and called on faith actors and faith communities to take up the historic opportunity to come to the aid of children.

Other speakers from the World Council of Churches, Joint Learning Initiative, International Child Assistance Network Malaysia, and Ojuis Medical Institute also contributed best practices.

At the meeting, the Moral Imperative launched a conceptual roadmap for renewed engagement on early childhood development, in particular calling for the redesigning and reimagining of children’s services to solve the conditions that created poor outcomes until now. To deliver results, the following attributes were recommended:

  • a clear focus on well-being outcomes for the whole child;
  • a sure start at the earliest;
  • a moral indignation for poor outcomes for child development
  • a focus on bending and reforming institutions to work for and not against positive outcomes for children
  • an unequivocal commitment to delivering for children in state policy, law and programs
  • an overarching vision and leadership on delivering to children;
  • reimagining parenting and its formative role for children, communities and societies;
  • acknowledging and mainstreaming the role of process and outcomes evidence and thus revamping data and statistics on children; and recognizing the strategic role of faith, its institutions and agency.

To read "The Moral Imperative's statement on early childhood development", click here.

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