Peru-2019-03-28-UPF, Peruvian Congressman Hold Forum on Building a Culture of Peace

Trujillo, Peru—UPF-Peru in partnership with the office of Congressman Luis Alberto Yika García organized a forum on "Principles and Values for Human Development towards a Culture of Peace" at the College of Engineers in Trujillo city on March 28, 2019. The purpose of the event was to promote good practices in society that foster strengthening of the family.

Among the speakers was UPF-Peru president, Dr. Trevor E. Jones.

UPF representatives who attended the event included Rev. Juan Carlos Celis Marcelo, a member of the Interreligious Association for Peace and Development (IAPD)-Peru, and Mr. Wilson Chávez Vásquez, and his wife, Mrs. Pilar Álvarez Elías, who were representing the Trujillo branch of UPF-Peru.

On this occasion, several couples who have been married for more than 40 years were recognized.

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