Russia-2021-03-26-Contemporary Russian Artists Meet for Peace

Samara, Russia—UPF co-organized a meeting of experts in the field of culture and the arts from Russia and the United States.

The meeting was held on March 26, 2021, in the Regional Art Museum located in the southwestern Russian city of Samara.

The main topic was “Investments in the Development of Contemporary Artists.”

The speakers of the event were: Vyacheslav Tishin, the creator of the ArtMost online gallery, Samara / Moscow; Alexander Fedin, the owner of the Fedini Art Office, Moscow; Daria Rusakova, an art curator located in the U.S. city of Miami; Polina Bondareva, the owner of the Art School, Moscow and St. Petersburg; and Alla Shakhmatova, the director of the Samara Art Museum.

The event was initiated by contemporary Russian artist Ekaterina Samitina, who recounted her experience of participating in international exhibitions and charitable events and voiced future creative and social initiatives.

An important part of the event was a video link made by Dmitry Samko, chairman of the Moscow branch of UPF, who awarded an Ambassador for Peace certificate to Ekaterina Samitina.

Many new initiatives and international ideas for the development of the region’s cultural life were discussed. Special thanks to the Sobaka Publishing House for organizing and holding the event.

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