Reviews of Discovering the Real Me Series

“This series of books Discovering The Real Me for students of levels 1-12 has amassed knowledge which speaks to the reality of living in this complex and challenging world. The books share with students, parents and teachers lessons that will empower them with strategies that will help make living in this world much easier. The books are reader-friendly, can be personalized to the users and—best of all—are culturally and historically sound.”

Ms. Fortuna Anthony Husbands
Former Chief Education Officer
Ministry of Education, St. Lucia


"A one-of-a-kind comprehensive series that helps students apply principles of positive psychology in easy-to-use lessons for character development and emotional intelligence. The stories, exercises and reading selections make lofty values accessible to contemporary teens. Highly recommended to use in any classroom, faith-based or community context seeking to educate youth."

Dr. Josephine Hauer
Family Life and Marriage Program Specialist
Administration for Children and Families, US

“A remarkable curriculum. As a commissioner on the rights to education, I found these books different from any I have read. With vivid and concrete examples, they present character education as a process of humanization and self-discovery in its real sense. They raise all the current existential issues surrounding self-realization and the importance of nurturing leadership skills in an inclusive and multicultural society. Anyone who cares about the rights to education as well as character education should read this impressive set of books.”

Dr. Muhammad Habib Chirzin
Commissioner, the Indonesian National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM)
Rights to Education, Science, Technology, Art and Culture


"I have found Discovering the Real Me to be an invaluable tool for reaching out to young people with lessons that will support their choosing to lead moral, responsible, and joy-filled lives. This character education series helps young people K-12 find their best selves through evocative stories, interactive exercises, adult-directed moral reasoning, cooperative learning, writing, and role-play. Although it is designed primarily for use in schools, I believe this series is appropriate for home use, and use in religious gatherings and youth club settings. While teachers applaud the series, the best endorsements come from children who have used it. One teenager said, 'I read that story about dealing with conflict over and over again, and I am trying to apply the lesson it teaches in my daily life.'”

Dr. Frederick A. Swarts
Assistant Secretary General
World Association of Non-Governmental Organizations


“This series is a joint effort in the field of character education, with the aim to integrate it with peace education and human rights education. Our desire is to to cultivate good character in the children and youth of Thailand and protect them from harm. In Thailand, these efforts are closely coordinated with families, schools and communities.”

Dr. Suthin Nophaket
Commissioner, The National Human Rights Commission of Thailand
Chairman of the Institute of Human Rights Protection and Development


"I thank you for giving me the Character Education books, which are helping me a lot. I introduced them to my teachers and parents here in Papua New Guinea and they are very happy about the programme. We are looking for bigger space in the hope that more students will be enrolled next year."

Michael Tumbo Kumung, Director
National Character Education Agency, Papua New Guinea


"We've been using this book for small group education at our church. The examples are down to earth, multicultural and get the teens' attention. The lessons with the discussion leads are just the right length. I am glad my son can hear these important life lessons with his peers to help reinforce some of the things he sees at home and to introduce some that as an imperfect family we failed to do or mention."

J. Spicciani

Green Bay, AL, USA

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