Quito, Ecuador - In January, UPF-Ecuador organized a festival at the City Hall, character education programs, and service projects.
At a festival the City Hall on January 17, the president of the Universal Peace Federation in Ecuador gave welcoming remarks, followed by a peace message by a Catholic nun.
Cultural performances included a ballet by the Ecuador Jaccigua Ballet, a classical dance, a theatrical production by Amisrael, and a performance by a high school band. Six people were appointed Ambassadors for Peace, and the program concluded with the song “Where Peace Begins.”
Character education programs took place on January 12 at the ITS Andrés F. Córdova high school, with 924 students. “It was very interesting because it taught us many values,” commented one student. Another said, “This gave us a guide on how to maintain our virginity until we get married.”
A character education presentation was held on January 14 for 17 women from the Sociedad Patriótica political party. On January 15, 320 students and professors at Fray Fodoco Ricke high school attended a character education program. The principal said: “Talking about the family was a really important theme, because the family is fundamental basis of society and world. What is important is to maintain a stable home filled with love in order to give an example to our children and sow values.” Afterwards, the students helped clean up the area surrounding the high school.
Additional service projects included a donation of 45 kilos of rice to the Corazón de María Home for the Elderly on January 23 and cleaning Parque la Carolina on January 25.