Dakar, Senegal—Representatives of UPF have gotten the go-ahead from government authorities to bring character education to Dakar schools.
Meeting authorities at Dakar City Hall in mid-January 2016 to discuss UPF activities, the UPF representatives proposed to introduce the teaching of character education. The City Hall officials approved this proposal, feeling that the UPF character education curriculum would improve the moral standard in the city’s schools.
City Hall proposed a partnership with UPF for teaching character education in the 53 high schools and middle schools that it manages. The authorities put UPF in contact with Dakar Academy Inspection for the technical aspects of setting up the teaching in those schools. The Academy Inspection controls the quality of the teaching in Senegal. It, in turn, approved the City Hall proposal on the teaching of character education.
In other news, some distinguished individuals have been prepared to be nominated as Ambassadors for Peace. There are already a number of Ambassadors for Peace within the National Assembly.
Two Ambassadors for Peace have made their schools available for the UPF character education curriculum.