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Character Education

UPF-Indonesia Continues Character Education Tour Into 2017

Indonesia-2017-03-18-UPF-Indonesia Continues Character Education Tour Into 2017

West Java, Indonesia—UPF-Indonesia commenced the 2017 leg of its 2016-2017 national tour on character education, “Building Harmonious Families—Our Shared Responsibility,” with programs held in two provinces. The tour will visit twelve more provinces and be completed within the first half of 2017. 

Bandung, West Java Province

The first program, which took place on March 11, 2017 at the Teachers Union of Indonesia in West Java province’s capital of Bandung, was organized by members of the Muhammadiyah Student Organization (IMM) West Java. More than 200 students from various social and educational institutions in the city gathered at the auditorium of the Teachers Union, full of excitement to participate in the program.

The event began with a recitation of the Holy Quran and a report by the organizing committee chairman. Mr. Immawan Wilson Sanheinizh of the IMM Central Board encouraged the participants to seek happiness rather than just money. After the chairman of Muhammadiyah West Java gave the opening remarks, Mrs. Muthiar Umar, a lecturer at the Muhammadiyah women’s wing, Aisyiyah West Java, explained the Muslim view on how to build harmonious families.

After a video about UPF International was shown, Mr. Alfred Forno, secretary general of UPF-Indonesia, introduced all the participants to the vision of UPF and the activities of the local UPF chapter. Mrs. Ursula McLackland, secretary general of UPF-Asia, explained the UPF founder’s teaching that the proper mind-body and man-woman relationship is the foundation for a happy and harmonious family life. She also spoke about “absolute sexual morality” as the solution to the free sex culture that is becoming prevalent among youth in Indonesia.

After a lively Q&A session, all the participants rose from their seats and pledged to keep absolute purity until marriage and absolute fidelity after marriage. The founder of Peace Generation, Mr. Irfan Amali, was then appointed as an Ambassador for Peace. A music band from the IMM entertained the participants during lunch, while the young UPF volunteers enjoyed taking photos, as this was their first visit to Bandung.

Palembang, South Sumatra Province

The second program was held at the prestigious Palembang City Council Hall in South Sumatra province. The event was fully supported as well as was attended by the chairman of the City Council, Mr. H. Darmawan.

The organizing committee made careful preparations to introduce the participants to the beautiful culture of South Sumatra. Over 1,000 years ago, Palembang was the capital of the powerful Srivijaya kingdom. To this day, people still proudly wear traditional costumes on special occasions. The emcees were dressed in the traditional attire, and spoke in Indonesian, English and Arabic. Students from the Muhammadiyah University Palembang performed graceful, intricate dances. A choir from a Muhammadiyah high school led all the participants in the singing of Indonesia’s national anthem, “Indonesia Raya.”

Following the city council chairman’s speech, Mr. Helmi Ibrahim, vice chair of Muhammadiyah Palembang City, addressed the audience of 200 participants, who comprised of students and faculty from various schools and universities as well as representatives from civil society. The panel of speakers included the rector of Muhammadiyah University, Mr. Alfred Forno and Mrs. Ursula McLackland. Their presentations inspired the participants to ask a number of questions. Then Ambassador for Peace awards were presented to two outstanding individuals: Hon. Giri Ramanda N. Kiemas, chairman of the Regional Parliament of South Sumatra, and Mrs. Darmi Hartati, chair of the Central Board of Aisyiyah South Sumatra.  

The program concluded with the Pure Love Pledge and the presentation of certificates of appreciation to the UPF presenters.

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