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Character Education

Universities, City Mayor Host UPF-Indonesia National Tour

Indonesia-2017-05-25-Universities, City Mayor Host UPF-Indonesia National Tour

Jakarta, Indonesia—UPF-Indonesia conducted three programs as part of the 2017 leg of its National Tour on character education, “Building Harmonious Families—Our Shared Responsibility,” in April. The format of the programs followed the format of all the programs UPF has held thus far for the tour: each began with an opening session, facilitated by a local host, which was followed by a panel featuring three speakers, including two from UPF; a Q&A session; a recitation of the Pure Love Pledge; and the Ambassador for Peace award ceremony.


Paramadina University, Jakarta: April 5, 2017

Two hundred students gathered at the Paramadina University auditorium on the morning of April 5 to attend a lecture on “Building Harmonious Families,” given by three presenters: Mr. David and Mrs. Ursula McLackland from UPF and Dr. Fachtiah E. Kertamuda from Paramadina University. After a lively Q&A session, all the participants recited the Pure Love Pledge. UPF also signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the university to further collaborate.


City Mayor’s Residence, Jambi: April 26, 2017

The second program in April was hosted at the residence of the mayor of Jambi city, Mr. H. Syarif Fasha, who attended the entire morning session of the program. Over 200 participants gathered at the newly-built Griya Mayang Hall in the mayor’s residence for this special program. Prof. Dr. H. Suyatno, rector of the Muhammadiyah University of Prof. Dr. HAMKA (UHAMKA) had especially traveled from Jakarta to deliver his message on the conference theme. Mr. Fasha was honored as an Ambassador for Peace for his outstanding efforts as city mayor to promote peace and harmony in this multi-religious and multi-cultural city. During the program, he shared about his work to make Jambi a model city. The conference was widely covered in local print media and on television.


Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia, Jakarta: April 29, 2017

The unique feature of this program was the cultural input prepared by the students. The student emcees not only entertained an audience of over 300 participants from various educational institutions with their theatrical and oratory skills, but also performed several beautiful dances.

Another highlight of the program was the presentation of an Ambassador for Peace award to Mrs. Yenny Wahid, director of the Wahid Institute and daughter of the late Indonesian president, H.E. Abdurrahman Wahid. Mrs. Wahid was chosen for the prestigious award for her tireless championing for inter-religious harmony with and tolerance and support for minority communities who receive undue persecution for their beliefs and religious practices. Dr. A. Prasetyantoko, rector of Atma Jaya Catholic University gave the congratulatory remarks before the ceremony. Mrs. Wahid expressed her deep appreciation and recalled her parents receiving an Ambassador for Peace award many years ago and their close association with the UPF Founders, Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon. In response to the current political situation in Indonesia, Mrs. Wahid encouraged the young people to harmonize with each other and unite with their fellow citizens despite differences in race, religion or views, in order to maintain the unity of the country.

After the program, the participants eagerly interacted with one another and departed for their homes with great satisfaction.

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