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Peace Education

UPF-Argentina Signs Friendship and Cooperation Agreement with Rotary International

Argentina-2023-05-19-UPF-Argentina Signs Friendship and Cooperation Agreement with Rotary International


Buenos Aires, Argentina—Convinced of the importance of institutional, local and regional alliances to enhance sustainability and common good, integration and development among peoples, UPF-Argentina signed a Friendship and Cooperation Agreement with Rotary District 4895 during the “Collectivities Honor the Homeland” event. This event took place on May 19, 2023, at the City of Buenos Aires Legislature’s Golden Hall, organized by Satellite Club of Parque de los Patricios Rotary Collectivities (1).

The Agreement was signed by Virginia Gear, governor of District 4895 – Rotary International; Miguel Werner, UPF-Argentina president and president of Satellite Club of Parque de los Patricios Rotary Collectivities; and Ambassador for Peace Horacio Daboul, president of the Cultural and Social Arab League, assistant to Rotary District 4895’s governor, and godfather of Satellite Club of Parque de los Patricios Rotary Collectivities.

The event began with welcoming remarks by the host, Legislator Diego Weck, president of Parque de los Patricios Rotary Club. Next there was a presentation on the “May Revolution,” in relation to Peru’s national day, May 25, given by historian and writer Nelly Pareja. There were also remarks given by Santos Gastón Juan, president of the Argentinian Collectivities Federation, and a recognition was given to Ambassador for Peace Benito Blanco: “For his great service as a member and collaborator of various entities from the Spanish collectivity and Buenos Aires civil association, being a bridge between those who migrated and their homeland. For his contribution to culture and his work to strengthen bonds between Spain and Argentina, where he became an entrepreneur in various areas.

Among the participants were Dr. Nazaryan Nvard, general director of Social Inclusion for the Buenos Aires City government; Fernando García Casas, Spanish Kingdom Consul General in Buenos Aires; and representatives from various collectivities and organizations. Messages of greeting were sent by Pamela Malewicz, Buenos Aires City government’s Human Rights and Cultural Pluralism Undersecretary; Dr. Sami Salameh, Syrian Arab Republic Ambassador in Argentina; and José Gareis, president of the Argentinian Collectivities Confederation.

As part of the opening of the event, we recited our National Anthem and we showed a video “Buenos Aires Celebrates the 2013 Homeland,” the traditional public holiday, with a parade organized by various collectivities across the Parque de los Patricios neighborhood (2).

Rotary International is a worldwide organization representative of volunteering and community service, exemplifying values and good practices, social friendship and peace, promoting individual dignity and common good. They have developed such work for more than a century, currently with more than one million committed members, building cooperation among institutions, nations, cultures and continents.

Such guidelines are also some of the lines of action of the Universal Peace Federation (UPF), an entity founded in 2005, with ECOSOC status at the UN, like Rotary International, with active chapters in countries from all regions, involving different leadership areas with local and global programs and initiatives, such as Ambassadors for Peace and Peace Road, through the principles of interdependence, mutual prosperity and universal values.


1) Photos:

2) “Buenos Aires Celebrates the 2013 Homeland” video:

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