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Peace Education

Ambassadors for Peace Assemble in Paris

The FIAP Auditorium in Paris hosted around 200 participants in the French Assembly of Ambassadors for Peace on March 31, 2007. The topic was "Forming Alliances at the time of Global Crises." The purpose of the meeting was to inform guests about UPF activities

The first session, "Report on 2006 and Projects of 2007," started off with a reading by Mr. Didier Guignard, President of the French Family Federation Chapter. The Peace Message emphasized that world peace cannot be brought about by human efforts alone but needs God's intervention, and that we are living in the era where God is free to do so.

Dr. Jean-Luc Berlet commented on this with quotes from several philosophers and thinkers. Then Mr. Jean-François Moulinet, Secretary General of UPF-France, presented an overview of the activities in 2006 and the vision and projects for 2007.


The Peace Message emphasized that world peace cannot be brought about by human efforts alone but needs God's intervention.

The second session was dedicated to two of UPF's peace initiatives: the Middle East Peace and the Northeast Asia Initiatives. After the reading by Mr. Didier Guignard on these topics, two professors who participated in the recent MEPI trip gave their reflections. They explained that through our initiative, they have come to regard the conflict in the Middle East from a different perspective. They were very touched by all the efforts made to bring the individuals and groups from the two sides together and by the demonstration of love overcoming hate and resentment they could witness there. During their testimonies, pictures of our different MEPI projects were projected on the scene.

Before Mr. Park Ki-hoon, Korean Ambassador for Peace, former publisher and CEO of Honam educational newspaper and former Gwangju Munheung middle school director, came to the stage to share about Korea. Mr. Jean-François Moulinet showed several images of efforts to reunify the two Koreas, including the new Peace Embassy in Pyongyang. He also spoke about the recent visit of a delegation of Korean War veterans to France, the 1% Love Sharing, and other projects of Women's Federation for World Peace.

Mr. Park spoke in an eloquent way about his country and hometown of Gwangju. Miss Jessica Guignard translated from Korean to French.

After the coffee break, a presentation of Korean culture was offered by the drum group Olsu.

During the third session, on family values, Mr. Laurent Ladouce used PowerPoint illustrations and diagrams to explain the words of Rev. Sun Myung Moon on absolute sexual morality. His comments were pertinent to many in the audience.

Then Mr. Jo Young-moo, another Ambassador for Peace from Korea, vice president of the Surveillance Committee on Harmful Environments for Youth, spoke on the state of the family in Korea. He described the work of Rev. Moon and UPF in his nation, trying to remedy recent social developments which are destructive to the traditional Confucian culture.

The afternoon concluded with a nomination of new Ambassadors for Peace and a brotherhood/sisterhood ceremony between the two Korean Ambassadors for Peace and two French families.


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