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Peace Education

October 2009 Activities in Moscow

Russia-2009-10-31-October 2009 Activities in Moscow

UPF activities in Moscow during October included cultural, educational, and youth programs.

Offering samples of national cuisines and music

A joint meeting of the Russia National Peace Council, Moscow Jewish Public House, and the Inter-ethnic Women’s Club took place on October 25, in anticipation of 2010 as the UN Year of Rapprochement of Cultures.

The topic was distinctive elements of national cooking. Participants included Ambassadors for Peace and public figures as well as people from the media, literary organizations, and creative groups.

The Vice-president of the Russian National Peace Council, Karina Kvazem, opened the event with a talk on the history of the UN and the importance of the role of women in peacemaking. Then followed a beautiful performance of ethnic musical groups: Students at the Oasis oriental dance studio, Russian songs by the Lubavushka student ensemble, and the Ararat Youth club from from the youth center in Zelenograd.

The traditions and cooking styles of different nations were described. The participants got inspired and expressed interest in learning more about other cultures. After the performance, all guests joined in dancing. Their hearts were full of warm feelings towards each other. Then participants tasted national dishes that had been prepared in advance.

Giving expert advice to Moscow State University students

On October 23 – 25 a meeting was held with the mobile school for leaders of the Moscow State University Department of Social Sciences. The coordinator of the school, a winner of “Mister and Miss University Pageant,” invited UPF representatives Elena Kukushkina and Dmitry Samko. Together with department leaders they spoke to groups of the best students from various departments, who presented projects of four types: science, creative work, volunteerism, and sports.

During the school period, UPF experts participated in activities on volunteerism and sports. The well thought-out school program and the guest professionals created a very special and productive atmosphere for working and sharing experience. Elena Kukushkina described her project, “Mister and Miss University,” and helped in creating and evaluating projects on volunteerism. Dmitry Samko told about the development and potential of peacemaking and social initiatives connected to sports. He also participated as an expert in evaluating students projects in sports.

Hopefully, the event will become an additional impetus for mutually beneficial cooperation between UPF representatives and the Department of Social Sciences of Moscow State University.

Offering educational program for college students

As part of the UPF educational program, a sequence of talks for students from three different groups took place at a Moscow college. The program was attended by 70 students. Topics included:

  1. World peace begins with me
  2. Communication and mutual understanding
  3. The ethical bases of a healthy society
  4. Drugs and addictions prevention

Participating in the Youth Diplomatic Convention

The International Youth Diplomatic Convention on the theme of “Investigating Russia” took place October 5-7 in the Civic Chamber of Russia. The event was attended by Dmitry Oficerov, Hayat Kutuyeva, well-known Russian political and public activists, news media, students, members of public organizations, and NGO representatives.

The program started with a conference on “Power and Society: Strategic Partnership.” Participants met with representatives of the biggest political parties of the Russian Federation. Dmitry Oficerov asked Mr. Isayev about the attitude of the Unified Russia party towards freedom of speech and faith. Mr. Isayev answered that his party guarantees the right for freedom of words and faith, even though traditional religions are given preference in the Russian Federation.

As a result of the convention, an International Youth Discussion Club was founded as a communication site for young journalists and famous politicians to discuss key problems of the world. For more information, see

Introducing UPF on Megapolis FM Radio

On September 25, Radio Megapolis FM invited Dmitry Oficerov to speak in the weekly program “On the wave” timed to the Year of Youth. He was asked to share about the methods of peace education of the young generation. To listen to the recorded speech, please, follow the link here.

Meeting at the Moscow House of Nationalities

On October 21 Dmitry Oficerov and Hayat Kutuyeva participated in the meeting of the youth discussion club of the Moscow House of Nationalities. The topic was “Cultural and Informational Safety of the Megapolis. Censorship in Media.”

Gluckov M.Yu., a Ph.D. in historical sciences and corresponding member of the International Academy of Complex Safety, strongly criticized the western media, referring to the notorious plan of Allen Dallas. Kristina Volkova, moderator of the club and head of the department in the Moscow House of Nationalities, corrected her colleague, stressing the immorality of Russian magazines. A student complained that pornographic magazines are openly sold to teenagers by adults. Consequently, it is important to uplift morality of the population and media everywhere. Nazarova E.A., a Ph.D. in social sciences and professor at the Financial Academy under Russian Federation Administration, made a detailed analysis of television programs. Only a proper moral education of children supported by the personal authority of parents can improve the situation and correct the vulgarity of the media, she said. Children inherit the behavior of their parents in the family; therefore, it’s the children who must bring light into this dark world.

During the discussion, Kristina Volkova asked the audience: “Who is to decide what we should watch on TV?” Dmitry Oficerov reminded participants about their important role in the development of society.  Media must support and defend human rights; therefore, they must be free and independent. There are four important functions inherent in the media: educational, informative, pedagogic, and entertaining. He called on participants to urge media leaders to fight against vulgarity and immorality and other factors that undermine society. It was decided to compose an open letter from the participants of the club to the media.

UPF-Moscow is legally registered

UPF-Moscow was registered on August 24, 2009 by the Moscow Department of the Russian Ministry of Justice. The registration is an important step in UPF's development in Russia. Igor Panichenko, Deputy Secretary General of UPF-Russia, worked on this project for more than one year.

Participating in the youth social and political tribune

On October 29, the youth social and political tribune “Power – it’s you” held a meeting with the goal to speak on the following items: tolerance, patriotism and the state of mentality, and also to bring out factors, uniting Russian people and society. The topic was: “Live together – live in peace!” Students of the Moscow State University, the Moscow Humanitarian University, and the State Institute of the Russian Language presented their reports. Experts were their opponents. As the result of the discussion, they unanimously came to the conclusion that the notorious opinion about all educated people being automatically tolerant is a delusion; in Germany Nazism was supported by the most educated people of the country. The participants came to the conclusion that family education and family values will help young people to gain skills of friendship, hospitality and peaceful conflict resolution.

Dmitry Oficerov described the UN Report on Human Development, covering migration and overcoming barriers. According to UN prognosis, Russia will need 20 million workers for further economic development.  Because of the internal demographic problem, the government of Russia will be compelled to invite workers from other CIS countries. Unfortunately, it is difficult for Russia to accommodate immigrants, and the population of Russia is not ready to welcome such masses of people from CIS nations. Participants expressed their sincere concerns.

Meeting with Youth Ambassadors for Peace

On October 30, a regular meeting with discussion on peacemaking took place at the Peace Embassy with the participation of Young Ambassadors for Peace, representatives of public organizations, and students. A number of UPF representatives spoke on recent international news and practical projects that are fast increasing in number.

Atayeva Maria (from Moscow University) was awarded the title of Youth Ambassador for Peace for her personal impact on the moral development of young people and for her activity among students.

With big enthusiasm, the participants took part in the interactive training in peacemaking. They unanimously agreed that such meetings are needed for establishing positive and constructive contact and cooperation among representatives of different youth organizations, universities, and diaspora groups. Such meetings and the communication format promote spiritual enrichment and help unite efforts for the realization of joint projects.

Meeting at the Russian State Social University

A round-table discussion on “Russia – a Russian” was held at the Russian State Social University. The initiators of the event were students and professors of the said university and also representatives of the youth movement “Our people.” Among the guest professionals was UPF representative Dmitry Samko. His speech on sports projects for peace and prevention of asocial behavior aroused interest of the audience, students, and teachers.

The general attitude and enthusiasm of all speakers was especially noteworthy. Professor Yegorychev A.M. talked about national Russian culture as a base for the stable development of society. During the round table, participants discussed issues of youth involvement in the social, economical, and cultural development of Russia and playing active roles in civic life. They talked about prevention of extremism, promoting cooperation among those in power with national and cultural associations and the youth sector.

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