London, England – UPF-UK Secretary General, Robin Marsh, was invited to address the UK launch of the World Minorities Alliance. It is a laudable initiative of Mr. Julius Salik in Pakistan and supported by UPF-Pakistan branch. The initiative shares much in common with UPF’s vison of humankind being ‘one family under God’ in which all people have equal value irrespective of where they are born.
Marsh emphasized the founding purpose of UPF to create an interreligious council at the United Nations that would enhance interreligious and intercultural understanding and peaceful relations. He also congratulated Pakistan for its wisdom in co-sponsoring the UN Resolution with the Philippines to establish a unit within the UN Secretariat to promote interfaith dialogue.
As explained by the Rt. Hon. Sadiq Khan MP, the event featured the very last speech of Mohammed Sarwar as an MP after a long distinguished service in the House of Commons as the first UK Muslim MP. Mr. Sarwar had been presented with an Ambassador for Peace award in the House of Commons on March.
For a report of the event in the Pakistan Times, click here.