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Peace Education

A Warm Welcome to the UPF Chairman in the Philippines

Manila, Philippines - One their visit to the Philippines UPF Chairman Rev. Hyung Jin Moon and his wife Yeon Ah touched the hearts of people with their insights about prayer, meditation, and dimensions of family love.

Two bishops greeted the international delegation at the Manila airport on August 3. They were Orthodox Catholic Bishop James Benedict Saldivar and Protestant Bishop Claro Borja.

A welcoming dinner was held at the national headquarters in Quezon City. Among the guests were Major General Alfredo S. Cayton, Jr., a former commanding general for the military in Eastern Mindanao, and his wife along with other military, civil society, religious, and academic leaders. UPF Secretary General Joseph Navalta presided over the program.

Dr. Thomas Walsh, president of the Universal Peace Federation International, described recent activities, including the Legacy of Peace, the International Day of Women, International Day of Families, Africa Day, and the initiative to set up an interfaith council at the UN.

UPF Chairman Hyung Jin Moon gives a copy of Father Moon's autobiography to former Speaker of the House of Representatives, Hon. Jose de Venecia, Jr., during a breakfast at the Speaker's home.

Rev. Moon said that his study of religion fits well with UPF's principal mission to bring the wisdom of people of faith to UN proceedings. We can develop efficient systems and mechanisms to create a prosperous world, he said, but unless we develop within ourselves the facility to redeem ourselves of fallen nature, we cannot live to our fullest potential. He explained how his father's teachings allow us to fathom the infinite and hitherto mysterious God. God's nature is the love of parents who are willing to die over and over for the sake of their children.

"It was very enlightening," commented Ide Tillah, the Muslim Chairman of the National Interfaith Consultative Committee, regarding the speech.

A dinner of shrimp, fish, and pasta was served, with entertainment from Bishop John Ayudtud and Mrs. Agnes Barredo-Fenoli, whose voices lifted the spirits and capped off the night.

Around 50 people gathered for exercises and meditation at 3:00 am. Participants learned  breathing techniques and meditation practices which promote health and self-body. Two Filipinos talked about their life of faith over the past three decades: Rev. Eric Niduasa and Mrs. Shirley Vergara. The devotional reading was the chapter entitled “What Is True Love” in Rev. Sun Myung Moon's autobiography.

Later in the morning, hundreds of people assembled to learn from the wisdom of Rev. Moon's youngest son. The crowd grew quiet as students from the Sun Hwa International Academy sang, “I Am But a Small Voice,” and Dr. Lek Thaveetermsakul, for many years the Secretary General of UPF-Thailand, introduced the international guests.

Rev. Moon's  speech was very sincere and personal. He talked about his struggles after the death of his brother Young Jin. He described his conversation with a Jesuit priest about existential questions, asking him why he believed in God, but not being satisfied with the answers. He further explained the levels of filial piety in Confucianism, the highest of which is to glorify one’s parents. Over the years he has come to understand the heart of his father's teaching as how to inherit the true love of God.

Finally, he told about an airplane trip that was so turbulent that passengers were praying aloud for God to save them. At first he prayed that way too, but then he switched to praising God for being almighty, the God who can move heaven and earth. “But, Heavenly Father,” he then asked, “what is this rain cloud doing here?” The audience burst into laughter. It doesn’t matter how poetically one prayers or the how long it takes, he said; what matters is having the right heart. He taught a guideline to ordering one's petitions, starting with God, the cosmos, world, nation, society, tribe, and family; then one can pray for oneself.

While addressing the difficult issues that he and everyone struggles with, he emphasized the power of simple logic rooted in the heart of love for God and parents.

After this message about inheriting the true love of God, more than 200 families and groups lined up to have their photos taken with Hyung Jin and Yeon Ah Moon.

In the afternoon the international delegation toured the San Agustin Church. A Roman Catholic Church under the auspices of the Order of St. Augustine, the church is located inside the historic walled city of Intramuros in Manila. Completed in 1607, it is the oldest church still standing in the Philippines. Looking at the crosses in the church, Hyung Jin Moon commented about how the cross has been a symbol of the pain and agony of God and Christ for two thousand years. Afterwards, they walked through the streets of Chinatown, with Hyun Jin Moon searching for a particular Chinese tea.

That evening, he and his wife visited the home of Tiburcio and Hatsue Alberio. Mr. Alberio, the manager of the Il Hwa company in the Philippines, and his Japanese wife and three children happily welcomed the guests. They served them palabok, a Filipino delicacy made from rice noodles topped with crab sauce, eggs, shrimp, squid, garlic, and more. In the course of their conversation, Rev. Moon advised the couple to devote one day a week for each of their children. He suggested that they make unique plans for each child and use the time together to point out to each child his or her good points and express their appreciation. He also suggested that they record these times together in a journal to give to each child when he or she is blessed in marriage. Through this tradition, parents can educate not only their children but also their grandchildren. Before leaving, he wrote a special calligraphy for the family meaning "Sincerity, Love, and Heavenly Fortune."

The following morning, 50 new participants joined in the early morning exercises and meditation. They found the meditation to be challenging, both physically and spiritually, and felt the importance of strengthening their mind. During devotions afterwards, Mr. Lito Gualdajara and Mrs. Angeles Lorenzana talked about how they dealt with challenging times in their life of faith.

Before leaving for the airport, the international delegation stopped at the residence of Hon. and Mrs. Jose de Venecia, Jr., in Makati City. As speaker of the House of Representatives of the Philippines, Hon. de Venecia had spearheaded proposals for interfaith dialogue at the United Nations. Mrs. Gina de Venecia served a vegetarian pasta dish, which Hyung Jin Moon said he enjoyed very much. She expressed admiration for his pure character, and describing herself as his Filipino aunt, she urged him to come to visit them every time he travels to the Philippines.

See also reports about visits to Nepal and Thailand.

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