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Peace Education

A Message of Spiritual Peace in Buenos Aires

Argentina-2010-08-26-A Message of Spiritual Peace in Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires, Argentina - A message of true spiritual revival was delivered by In Jin Moon during a moving event held at the Peace Embassy of Buenos Aires on August 26, on occasion of her visit to Argentina.

In her address she talked about the “unchanging commitment” of her father toward “God’s providence” since the age of 16, when he had an incredible spiritual experience with Jesus. She shared this deep testimony not only in this official gathering, organized by the Unification Movement and the Universal Peace Federation, but also during each meeting with different leaders, who felt deeply impressed by her personality and leadership attitude.

“Men have had a model (Jesus), but women did not,” In Jin emphasized during the speech, explaining about the relegation that women suffered throughout the past centuries. “The history of religion shows us that Jesus had to suffer because he could not find a woman on his side,” she affirmed. “If Jesus hadn’t died on the cross, women wouldn’t suffer so much. Men and women, as the image of God, are different, but they have the same value. If Jesus had found a wife, he would have been as famous as my father (nowadays) as marriage maker (…) This is the mission of giving Blessing (in marriage) to which my father devoted all his life,” she declared.

“As devoted Christians, what would we feel if Jesus appeared here, walking our midst?” she asked. At Jesus' time, “there was a little group that believed in him, but it wasn’t the majority.” She went on to say that her father is a man sent by God in these days, and in his position as a prophet, “he brings requirements and words that make us feel uncomfortable”.

“Will you be part of that group that points him out as a heretic and rejects him?” she asked. “Maybe we do not like the words that come out from his mouth, but he has been the most persistent person in doing God’s work,” she emphasized in her passionate speech, enriched by various anecdotes of her personal life.

She went on talking about the different achievements of her father all over the world over the decades, especially connecting to the “lineage of God” through the blessing ceremonies inspired by her father.

In Jin announced that “the ultimate Good News” is that the “True Parents are in the mist of us.” Finally, she made a call to everybody no to be the kind of person that passes through this world without a purpose or direction, and she stressed that today we need “a revolution of heart.” “If we understand that we are God’s sons and daughters, then we have the duty and the responsibility of serving others and being altruistic.” And we should be this “good wind (which is the meaning of Buenos Aires) that blows all over America.”

The keynote message was read by Mr. Carlos Varga, president of the Unification Movement in Argentina. The message was “The Proclamation of God’s Substantial Word and the Era of the Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humanity” and contains the core teachings of Sun Myung Moon who is leaving a substantial legacy to his children that are taking responsibility in different areas.

This legacy is also transmitted through his autobiography, A Peace-Loving Global Citizen, that was introduced on this occasion. The book was edited in 2009 by one of the most prominent editorial houses of Korea, the Gimm-Young Publishers, Inc., and is spreading all over the world.

The event opened with an invocation by Minister Juan Climenti, Vice president of FeCEP, one of the largest evangelical groups of the country. Soon after, the Lovin' Life Band, composed of Ben Lorentzen, Chris Derflinger, and Joshua Cotter, lifted up the atmosphere of the meeting. Every Sunday, this band enhances the spirit of the Lovin' Life ministry at the Manhattan Center in New York, and they accompanied In Jin Moon on her visit to Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay to strengthen the integration between North and South America.

During the celebration, Luis D’Angelo, member of the UPF Global Peace Council, and James Gavin, Secretary General of UPF-United States, spoke. Professor Tamara Revythis presented In Jin with a beautifully illustrated copy of “Crown of Glory” (a poem by Rev. Sun Myung Moon) that she made for the occasion. Flowers were presented by Dr. Osvaldo Rodriguez, an Ambassador for Peace.

Professor Ismael Rossi served as Master of Ceremonies and invested his talent to create a warm atmosphere for the gathering. In Jin was very receptive to people in the audience who wanted to to greet her and take a picture with our loving guest. She could feel the heart of our people, as she pointed out at the beginning of her speech when she made allusion to the “Pink House” as the symbol of the Argentine passion.

“I was so impressed by her warm and intelligent message and by her personality that I could not say one word when she greeted me. I could look at her eyes and felt that our hearts could communicate a mysterious message of spiritual peace. I will never forget the light of her eyes, her loving attitude, her courtesy and simplicity. I’ve never seen anybody with a human quality. I think that she will carry on her ministry with excellence. She is a very special human being blessed by God.” - Lic. José Bilbao Richter, sociologist and former member of the UPF Peace Global Council.

Translation: Lic. Rosetta Conti de Castellón.

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