Librazhd, Albania - At the high school where I used to teach, we held a celebration of the "Day of Love" on February 14 and gave a presentation on "The Family as the School of Love."
After an initial discussion with the headmaster at the Ibrahim Muca school, I presented the idea to the student senate, which had also planned to hold an activity. They viewed February 14 as “the day of lovers” and we viewed it as “the day of love.” After a long discussion, they were attracted to our way of thinking. Finally, we agreed to hold a march related to pure love in which we all would show unity, peace, love, and harmony. After that we would present a lecture entitled “The Four Great Realms of Heart" and close with a concert.
All the members of the school senate participated in the march, which was accompanied by police cars. We ended the march at the cultural center. Although the people in this town in east-central Albania are mostly Muslim, a Christian had painted a mural in the cultural center.
Ms. Dorina Lahi, a community leader from UPF-Elbasan, presented the lecture on the Four Realms of Heart, which was well received by the audience. I believe this presentation will stimulate interest in future activities.